Tarot forecast for Aug 25 – 31

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Cards used for this reading are the Hezicos Tarot.

Have a wonderful week πŸ™‚

5 thoughts on “Tarot forecast for Aug 25 – 31”

  1. Hi Kate – love that deck! I’m on purchase restriction right now (self imposed) πŸ™‚ Tarot card addicted LOL!

    We had an earthquake where I live and I have been up for the most part since about 3:20 AM. It was scary to be shaken awake but no damage in my area. Lots in other areas. I have to watch this again when I feel more refreshed but on my first take..the King can be one of two people and I’m not sure which. I don’t know how the two other cards relate yet (probably cause I’m tired). Keep you posted!
    Have a great week.

    1. Hi Michele,
      I am so relieved to hear you are okay after the earthquake – that must have been terrifying. I have only experienced one earthquake and it was little, but the feeling of having no control is pretty unsettling. Hope you are able to get some sleep soon πŸ™‚

      1. Kate – I meant to tell you, before I went on Tarot/Oracle card restriction, I purchased the the new Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine Guardian Angel Tarot. I love it. It’s designed for people who want a very gentle form of tarot cards and all the cards are positive. I started working with it the first night and pulled one card for myself. I had to laugh because it was the ‘inner strength” card and has a picture of a little girl with her kitty. I’m a grown woman with a kitty but I was feeling like the little girl in me needed to be given a push up and reminded of her inner strength. They are beautiful cards

        PS much more refreshed today and slept ok last night..all though I woke up at the time of the quake the day before… forced myself to stay put and remind myself it was not happening again at that moment… πŸ™‚

        1. I haven’t seen that deck yet in person- good to hear they’re nice cards. There doesn’t seem to be much online in way of pictures – but they look kind of similar to oracle cards in that there’s a bit of writing on them. They look really pretty πŸ™‚

          1. It is similar to the angel tarot by doreen virtue but there is more writing on these cards than her original tarot – about a paragraph – and then additional meanings in the book. πŸ™‚ the colors are very soft – calming and positive. They just released so I’m not surprised there isn’t many pictures.

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