June 2015

20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight

It’s time to go on a hot date…with your Tarot cards!

Now that Summer is here, it’s the perfect time to pack up your Tarot deck, a journal and pen and head off to the beach, a park or your backyard and do some self exploration.

If you’re wondering what on earth you’re going to ask your Tarot cards, I’ve posted some ideas below. I encourage you to draw only one card per question and to spend some time contemplating and writing. And who knows where your new insights will take your life 🙂

tarot and iced tea
Dame Darcy Tarot & iced tea…yum!


What do I need to know/see/understand right now?

What do I need to focus on right now?

What message do my spirit guides/angels have for me?

How can I have more fun in life?

What’s the best way for me to make a positive difference in the world?

What will help me feel more at peace?

How can I express myself creatively this week?

What talent do I have that I need to use more?

What part of myself am I ignoring/denying right now?

What do I need more of in my life?

What do I need less of in my life?

How can I feel more connected to others?

Who in my life do I need to reach out to right now?

What is influencing me the most right now?

What spiritual lesson am I trying to master right now?

How can I be more powerful and effective in my life right now?

What is my biggest block at the moment?

What characteristics do I need to fully embrace?

What area of my life needs the most attention right now?

How can I feel more free?

  • What if you get a negative card in a positive position?

For example, let’s say you ask “how can I make a positive difference in the world?” and you get The Hanged Man. How on Earth will you interpret that?!

1. Put yourself in the position of the figure on the card. When you become The Hanged Man, what do you notice?

I notice that I am powerless to do anything action wise, but I still have control over how I think and feel. Surrendering to what is brings peace, fighting what is brings suffering.

I also notice that I am upside down, which gives me a totally different perspective on things than I had before!

So I might interpret this as meaning that I can make a positive difference in the world by not wasting energy on fighting against what is. Instead I should put my energy on finding peace where I am and remembering that there is always more than one perspective. When I am in a peaceful state and when I recognize there are many ways to see a situation, I will behave differently and voila! I will have made a positive difference in the world!

2. Ask “what is the positive side to this card?”

All cards – regardless of whether they appear “negative” or “positive” have a positive side to them.

For example, The Devil is about addiction and feeling trapped and stuck, but it’s also about breaking free from addiction and stuckness. So if I had gotten The Devil instead of The Hanged Man for the above question, I may conclude that in order to make a positive difference in the world, I need to first break free of my own destructive habits and patterns and then help others to do the same.

  • Share your experience...

Which question(s) did you choose to explore? Did you have any epiphanies? Feel free to share you experience in the comments below!

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How is your life constipated?

veronica 2Veronica is my evil, Tarot reading twin. When she’s not writing for this blog, she’s out boozing and cruising for sweet young things and tapping out smut on her laptop! Oh, and she doesn’t give two shits about spelling things correctly, so don’t go emailing her about how she shouldn’t start a sentence with “and” or “but”….

knight of pents
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Knight of Pentacles is an incredibly practical man. He thinks things through.

But he’s also a boring, constipated, stuffed shirt who has no idea how to enjoy himself or move forward with his life.

The message he brings you is this….

“How are you being overly cautious in your life?”

There is nothing wrong with taking your time to think things through.

But overly planning things and being extra careful only work if we’re talking about birth control. Otherwise, it just sucks the magic out of daily life!

And here’s the thing – you were born naturally spontaneous and trusting in life. But then jerkoffs like your parents and evil robot school teachers instilled doubt in you by saying stuff like “without math 12 you will go nowhere!” and “you need to start saving for retirement now if you want to retire by age 80.”

Suddenly the world is a terrifying and cruel place, designed to break you and cause you misery.

Now I got off on a tangent…but what I want to tell you is that that is crap – pure and simple. The world is full of wonderful things – just think how many shrimp cocktails, cute boys and kitten videos exist right now.

I know, right?!

How is your life constipated? Read More »

This weekend needs to be lazy…

veronica 2

Veronica is a voracious man eater, tarot reader, cat lover and my evil twin/alter ego. She talks like a sailor, slinks about like Catwoman and always has some deliciously subversive advice for you! So without further ado…I bring you Veronica Noir!

four of rods

The Four of Rods is here to tell you to spend some time enjoying your hearth and home this weekend.

Delight yourself by doing boring crap like baking stuff in the oven. You know, like cinnamon buns and shit like that.

Wear an apron.

Clean things.

Make a fu*king pie!

But here’s the catch – don’t plan anything this weekend. Especially if you did a whole bunch of “stuff” last weekend. Have a couple of “home days” to yourself.

Genius and spiritual unfoldment do not arise from busy-ness and rushing about doing pointless things. Trust me!

But take the time to have a glass of wine and make some sort of horrid baked good – and you just might find yourself discovering the meaning of life in the process.

Or you might just find yourself mildly drunk. Either way, it’s a nice time :)

This weekend needs to be lazy… Read More »

Veronica’s Friday Reading…

veronica 2

Veronica Noir is my batshit crazy twin sister. She is just like me except she’s brilliant, has no sense of guilt or shame, speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, when she wants! Kind of like a psychopath….but with a heart of gold. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Happy Friday!

The Goddess Sige is here to tell you to “shut the f*ck up!”

Oh wait, that’s not was she’s saying….she says “take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate and contemplate.”

She’s not just referring to physical chitter chatter, either. The more you quite your inner blatherings, the more in-touch with your divinity you will be.

Take a nap this weekend. Isloate yourself and ignore friends and family. They only distract you from achieving pure nirvana.

Your ego hates it when you get quiet! Remember that. Whenever you meditate, you are annoying the living crap out of your ego.

This fact alone can make meditation a more enjoyable, deliciously mischievous experience ;)

Veronica’s Friday Reading… Read More »

My 3 Favorite Tarot Card Spreads…

As I’m preparing for my upcoming webinar/online class on the Celtic Cross Tarot spread, I’ve been thinking a lot about spreads.

Tarot spreads I love, Tarot spreads that suck, and the spreads I come back to again and again like an old boyfriend.

So I thought I’d share my three favorites with you!


Celtic Cross Spread: Revamped

This is actually a spread I use quite a bit. It’s my own version of the Celtic Cross Tarot card spread. I wasn’t in love with the original Celtic Cross spread, so I switched some things up. For me reading with this spread feels like putting on a pair of old jeans – comfy and classic.

Celtic Cross Spread RevampedFor a full explanation of this spread, go here.


Self Love Spread

Don’t get too excited, it’s not as dirty as it sounds!
If you have my Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships, you might recognize this one.

While this is an important Tarot spread for everyone to do, I haven’t done it in ages! Probably why I hate myself 🙁 Just kidding. But really, I need to remember to do this one at least once a year.

self love spreadGo here for the full description of this spread.


Connect with Your Spirit Guides & Angels Tarot Spread

Like the title suggests, this spread helps you connect to the more ethereal, divine side of your life. This spread is a really fun one and it’s fun to do this one when you’re trying to make a big decision or needing inspiration for a project or something…

connect with your spirit guide tarot spread

Go here for the full description of this Tarot card spread.

I hope you have a ball trying out these spreads and come join me on June 16th for my webinar on the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread 🙂

celtic cross banner 2What is your favorite, go-to Tarot spread?

let me know in the comments below….

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Everyone wants to “transform” themselves. Ugggh!

VeronicaVeronica is my evil tarot reading twin. Each friday she graces us with her presence and offers up her best advice….

Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Everyone wants “transformation”!

If you’ve ever been to a life coach’s website or even a new agey site, you will see the word “transformation” splattered all over it, like seagull crap on a pier.

But what IS “transformation”? Simple answer: DEATH!

Oh, so you want to “transform” your life? No, you want your old self to die off.

Do you want to “transform” your thinking? No, you want to murder your negative thoughts.

So why does everyone go around saying “blah blah blah, transformational, blah blah, bullshit, bullshit, blab”?

Because Death is the low effort option, whereas Transformation sounds like a lot of exhausting, hard work, which most average dumbfucks looooove. Or at least love to talk about.

So this weekend, ask yourself: “what old habits would l like to lay to rest?”

OR “what part of my life would l like to have a mini funeral for?”

OR “what aspects of myself would l like to violently shank to death and then forcibly reincarnate as something entirely different?” oh, wait, that sounds more like “transformation”. Nevermind!

Everyone wants to “transform” themselves. Ugggh! Read More »