how to read tarot cards

4 Secrets to Being a Fabulous Tarot Reader (Part 2)

In last weeks post, we covered intuition and connecting with your Tarot deck as ways to enhance the quality of your Tarot readings.

So now it’s time to dive a little deeper and tackle context and connecting the cards in a reading!

Secret #3: Understand that each Tarot Card has many facets and it’s meaning and message will change with it’s environment (context).

A fabulous Tarot reader knows that the cards – like people – are multidimensional.

This throws a lot of readers off because let’s face it, most of us would prefer the Tarot cards had specific, clear definitions so we could know exactly what they meant.

The fact that the Tarot card meanings are actually quite fluid can be frustrating – kind of like dating a flaky emo-guy who constantly changes his mind about how he feels about you.

Page of Cups from the Anna K Tarot – he’s not just a pretty face!

A Tarot card’s meaning is effected by the surrounding cards, the question/issue being asked about, the position in the spread and of course the readers intuition.

But don’t think about all that! – it will only confuse you and twist your brain into a frustrated Tarot mindfuck. So here’s what you do…

Instead of seeing the Tarot card meanings as things that need to be defined and memorized, see your cards as beings.

It’s a tad creepy, but stay with me…

Get a feel for each card’s essence, vibe and energy – this isn’t the same as it’s meaning.

It’s like when you meet someone new at a party: you learn their occupation (plumber) and relationship status (married five years!) which actually tells you very little about who they are. But you also get a sense of their energy/vibe, based on how you feel when you’re in their presence, which gives you more helpful information about what kind of a person they are.

When you get a sense of a Tarot card’s essence and see it as a multi-faceted being, you will have an easier time deciphering it’s message when it shows up in a variety of readings and spread positions.

Okay, I want you to look through your Tarot deck and pick out The Sun.

Dame Darcy Tarot

Got it? Now look at it. Feel into it. Get a sense of it’s energy, it’s vibe, what it’s all about.

Now, I want you to ask “what is the next step for me?” and look at The Sun. What is it telling you?

Ask “What do I need to do to improve my overall vitality and energy?”….now what does it say?

Ask “What do I need to let go of?” and see what it tells you.

Ask “how can I improve my relationships?” and see what it says.

How did it go? Did you get wildly different answers for each question? Did you get some new ideas and insights?

Secret #4: See the Connections between Tarot Cards in a Spread

One of the biggest gripes I hear from my audience is that they have no problem reading a Tarot card on its own, but when it comes to doing a big Tarot spread, they find it hard to link the cards together to weave a “big picture” and tell a story.

Telling a story with the cards is an art form. But it’s a skill that can be learned!

When you make connections between the cards in a reading, it can feel like you are translating a thrilling letter or solving a mystery message that’s just for you.

Think of a Tarot reading (or Tarot spread) as being like a letter. Each Tarot card is like a sentence in that letter. Each sentence means something, but all the sentences together give you a deeper, more meaningful message.

Look at the 3 cards below and see each card as being a sentence in a letter…

Crystal Visions Tarot

What does this letter say to you? Don’t think too hard about this, just go with it – make something up!

I read these 3 cards as saying you are in creative mode right now (The Empress) but you need to make sure you stay focused and intentional about what you intend to create (The Magician) so that you create something that is emotionally fulfilling and the start of something special (Ace of Cups).

Of course, there are probably a million different ways to read these cards, that is just one possibility!

4 Secrets to Being a Fabulous Tarot Reader (Part 2) Read More »

My 4 Favorite Blog Posts of 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, I have been doing something weird….reading my own blog posts  (and enjoying them!)

So I decided to round up my top 4 favorite Tarot articles and share them with you. These are the articles I had the most fun writing, so I hope you have just as much fun reading them 🙂

Should Tarot Readers Charge for Their “Gift”?


This post generated the most discussion and comments…

There is something that I occasionally hear people say that drives me batshit crazy. It is this: “I don’t charge for giving readings because being able to read is a gift so therefore I would never charge someone for it.”
Ummm….what the f*ck?!

Read more..

What Your “Higher Self” REALLY Wants You to Know (it may surprise you!)


Here is one of my favorite things to do with my Tarot cards…

Do you ever wonder what your “higher self” is trying to tell you? Well guess what? Messing around with your Tarot cards is one of the best ways to find out!
Here’s a simple script to help you communicate with your higher self via your Tarot cards.

Read more…


How to See YOUR Life in the Cards

the lovers
Housewives Tarot

This post was so much fun to write, as I got to take a trip down memory lane…

Let’s get personal. Did you know that each card in your Tarot deck symbolizes a particular event, person, place or thing in your life?
This is my simple, 3 step process for connecting to your Tarot deck and your life.

Read more…


The Tarot Court Cards….in bed! Part 3: The Knights

knight of pents
Crystal Visions Tarot

Writing this series has been the most fun of all, even if hardly anyone comments on these posts (I know your reading them. Google analytics doesn’t lie!). Warning: my evil twin Veronica helped me with this one…

The Knights are my FAVORITE court cards to hop into bed with! Why? Because they are essentially alpha males in training. They have all the vigor and sexual energy required of a hero in a steamy romance novel, but lack the overbearing bossiness of the Kings.

Read More…

My 4 Favorite Blog Posts of 2014 Read More »

Asking YES/NO Questions with Your Tarot Cards

I am just going to come right out and say it….

The surefire way to get confused as f*ck is to ask your Tarot deck Yes/No questions.

In my opinion, Yes/No questions + the Tarot just don’t mix. The Tarot is an amazing tool for inquiring about things and making discoveries. But it is total shit at answering Yes/No questions.

I know, I know, it’s so tempting to ask. I do it all the time. Even though I know that Yes/No questions never really work well with Tarot, I ask them all the time….and I always end up confused and frustrated.

Why is the Tarot so hopeless at answering your Yes/No questions?

Here’s my take on it – the Tarot is a reflection of the world around you. If you study your deck closely you will see that all the archetypes, emotions, everyday challenges and joys are all depicted in the Tarot.

Our world is complex, messy, interconnected and bursting with colour, sensation and vibration. We don’t live in a black and white world where everything is distinct, separate, clean and neat. And Yes/No questions are black and white.

But here’s a sneaky way to get your Yes/No questions answered anyway…

All you need to do is rephrase your Yes/No Tarot question.

For example, if I want to ask “should I seduce my 19 year old neighbor, yes or no?” I could rephrase it as “how do you feel about me seducing my 19 year old neighbor?” (in this case the you could refer to your higher self, the universe, your spirit guides – whoever it is your trying to communicate with via your Tarot deck)

Asking open ended questions when working with your Tarot cards will make for much better readings and less confusion.

Let me demonstrate this concept a little more….

Today I asked my Tarot deck “should I take a month off to travel around Costa Rica in 2015? Yes or no?” and I pulled the Seven of Pentacles from the Anna K Tarot deck:

7 of pentacles
Anna K Tarot

I was confused at first. Does this mean “yes, but be patient” or does it mean “no, you should be focusing on work”?

So I rephrased my question and asked “How do you feel about me taking a month off to travel around Costa Rica in 2015?” and then I took another look at this card.

Suddenly, it all seemed very clear! A few months ago I planted some seeds (aka started some projects) and those “seeds” have taken root and are beginning to sprout. If I go away now, those shoots will die from neglect. I need to tend to my garden (garden = my life and my creative/business projects) first and once things are more established, then I can take off for a month. I need to be patient now – patient with my projects and business and patient because I will get to go to Costa Rica eventually, just not right now.

So not only did I understand that the answer to my question was NO, I could see the reasons why it was a no and what I needed to focus on in the meantime.

Here are some other ways to rephrase your Yes/No Tarot questions:

1. What is the potential of ___________________?
For example, “should I accept this job offer? Yes or No?” becomes “what is the potential of accepting this job offer?”

2. How would I feel if I ________________?
For example, “should I sell my house now?” becomes “how would I feel if I sold my house now?”

3. What would be the outcome of ____________ vs ____________?
For example, “should I marry Bob or Dave?” becomes “what would be the outcome of marrying Bob?” – draw a card – “vs marrying Dave?” – draw a second card.

Your turn!

What Yes/No question do you have for your Tarot cards? Try one of my alternate rephrases and see how it goes! Feel free to share all about it in the comments below 🙂

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Tarot exercise: Be your own life coach….with Tarot cards!

Do you wish you had your own personal life coach? Well guess what? If you have a deck of Tarot cards you kind of already do have a life coach. Let me explain…

Think of your Tarot deck as a mediator between you and your Higher Self (or Inner Self, Unconscious, Inner Wisdom, Inner Guru, whatever).

Here’s my easy peasy formula for gleaning important info and guidance into your life via your Tarot cards:

If you would like to do this exercise along with me, the video version is below. Otherwise, read on!

1. Identify your “issue” or problem that you would like some guidance around.

When I did this exercise last night, I chose my “issue” of not finding the right house to buy. I have been searching for over a year and haven’t found the right place yet.

2. Ask “what do I need to know about          (issue)        ?”

For example, what do I need to know about finding the right home (and why I haven’t yet)?

3. Draw ONE card.

The card I got was The Moon.

the moon anna k
Anna K Tarot

4. Which suit is that card from? This will indicate the area of your life in which your “issue” is based.

Major Arcana = spiritual, life path, major life lesson
Wands = energetic, creative, career
Cups = emotional, relationships
Swords = mental, thoughts, communication
Pentacles = body/health, money, material stuff
Court card = A particular person or personality trait

Keep an open mind here. The area of your life that your issue is based in may surprise you. For example, your health problems could be connected to your relationships (Cups) or your relationship issue could be rooted in your money issues (Pentacles).

Because I got The Moon, a Major Arcana card, I know my issue of not finding a house has to do with my life path and is acting as a major spiritual lesson right now.


5. Now, lets take a closer look at the card. We know the area that it relates to, but what is it trying to tell you? Jot down the traditional meaning of your card.

Feel free to look it up in your book or refer to my Tarot meanings cheatsheet.

The Moon Tarot card has to do with the subconscious, dreams and that which is hidden. Sometimes it can indicate deception or not being fully aware of something.


6. How does the traditional meaning (or keywords) apply to your specific issue and/or the area of your life in which this issue is based.

Here is where you are really getting into the nooks and crannies of your issue. This is a chance to look at your issue/problem in a way that you probably haven’t yet.

When I did my reading I felt that The Moon applied to my life in that I have been having lots of dreams lately about going down into basements to view disturbing things (which I suspect is a symbol for exploring the unconscious). This could indicate that subconscious issues are holding me back from finding a house.


7. What advice does my chosen card have for me? What should be your next step?

Now you are switching the lens through which you see this card. You are asking a different question, but there is no need to draw a different card. You only need to look at this card in a different light.

When I gaze at The Moon, the advice that jumps out at me is this: study your dreams and explore the scaryness and ugliness that lies beneath the surface. The frightening things you find in the basement of your dreams may represent thoughts, fears and feelings that you have repressed because you’ve deemed the unacceptable or too scary to face.


8. Set a goal. Write it down. Give yourself a timeline. Take action.

This is where the life-coachy part comes in! The impact of a really insightful Tarot reading can vanish like a fart in the wind if you don’t write it down and do something about it.

I set the goal to consult some dream books and take a closer look at the symbols in my dreams and do some journalling around this. I aim to do this over the next 7 days.


9. Bonus question: what message does my Inner Self have for me in regards to this issue?

If you still feel a little unsatisfied with your reading, this can be a nice way to wrap things up. Spend some time gazing at your card, noticing the symbols and general vibe of the card. Can you decipher a comforting or encouraging message there?

When I gazed at The Moon, I noticed that it wasn’t a full moon – it was only a crescent moon. When I pondered this for a bit I heard the phrase “the moon is not yet full” meaning that the time has not yet come, but it will. In other words, now is not the right time for me to find a house. So I can just relax.


Was it good for you? Let me know what you think!

In the comments below feel free to share your own experience with this Tarot exercise 🙂

Tarot exercise: Be your own life coach….with Tarot cards! Read More »

How do YOU see these Tarot cards?

Back by popular demand….the monthly Tarot challenge!

What would YOU do in this situation?:

Let’s pretend your giving a Tarot reading to Chastity Applebottom, a striking woman in her late 30’s, who was referred to you by a mutual friend. She plunks herself down at your reading table, all bouncy curls and cleavage, and says:

I just need some confirmation that I am doing the right thing. I got married a year ago to a man that I thought was my soul-mate – his name’s Carlos – but then about a month ago I discovered that he doesn’t really work as a traveling Loans officer, but is actually a Colombian drug lord and has been cheating on me with all sorts of floozies. He has this whole secret life that I wasn’t even aware of until now. Anyhow, I was going to leave him but then I realized that I would like to have a baby and I am getting too old to be putting it off. I’m almost 40. If I leave Carlos it may take me a year or two to find someone suitable to mate with, which could be too late. So I am thinking of staying with Carlos so I can have a baby. He’s not a bad guy – he bought me and boob job AND a Vitamix blender for my birthday. I think this is the best choice, really, but I just need to hear it from you to put my mind at ease.”

So of course you’re thinking run, Chastity, run! but you shuffle your cards anyway and this is what comes up:

reading - morgan greer tarot
From left to right: Ace of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles.
Morgan Greer Tarot

Please note: this is an extra challenging Tarot challenge because you probably want to tell Chastity to run like the wind, yet the cards seem to be quite positive. So….

How would you interpret these cards? What advice would you give to Chastity? I invite you to share your interpretation in the comments section below 🙂

Tip: look at the cards and ask what do these cards seem to be saying to Chastity?

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Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot!

This week, I am unveiling my brand new e-course The Art of Tarot: How to Read a Negative Card in a Positive Light.

Today I want to share my favorite part of this course with you – reading the negative cards as secret desires.

When a “negative” Tarot card (like the 3 of Swords or The Tower) appears in a reading, it can often represent a secret wish or unconscious desire. A desire so dark and so shocking, that our conscious selves just can’t handle it!

Let me show you what I mean:

Let’s say I’m giving myself a Tarot reading and I ask “how can I make my life more adventurous?”

And one of the cards that appears is the 8 of Swords.

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

Ding, ding, ding! Secret desire alert!

Now, there are many different ways I could look at this card, but today I am choosing to see the negative cards as representing my secret desires.

So what dark, undisclosed desire could the 8 of swords represent? And how on earth does it relate to my question?

Here are some possibilities…

1) the desire to be “rescued”

2) the desire to be tied up and blindfolded (very literal!)

3) the desire to remain “in the dark” (blindfold) and powerless (and therefore not responsible for anything)

Out of all these possible “secret desires”, the desire to be rescued feels most likely.

My Interpretation: Perhaps I want my life to be more adventurous, but secretly, deep down, I really want someone to swoop in and rescue me from boredom, whisking me away to be entertained and enchanted. As long as I sit around waiting, my life will never truly be an adventure. I need to acknowledge this desire and then take matters into my own hands.

Now it’s your turn!

Just for fun, let’s pretend your deepest, undercover desire is…..


Universal Waite Tarot Deck

In the comments below, tell me what “secret desire” of yours this Tarot Card might represent. (Can’t wait to read this!!!)

Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot! Read More »

Are you Judging Yourself?

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is an anarchist, International woman of mystery, banana bread lover, frantic scrawler of smut and just happens to be my evil twin/alter ego. Here is her take on the Judgement card…

Housewive’s Tarot

Have you been judging yourself lately?

Do you think you should be thinner, more motivated, more successful and more interesting than you actually are?

Maybe that’s not true. Maybe you should be exactly as you are.

Let me tell you a story.

I once had a job interview for a job I felt I was underqualified for (International Spy).

I had no experience whatsoever and to top if off I was late for the interview – my black Lamborghini broke down on the way there – and by the time I arrived I was panting and sweaty.

Turns out, the interviewer was kind of a perv and my heaving bosom and flushed skin turned him on. And the fact I had no qualifications only inflated his ego and made him feel superior to me. I got the job!

So let me say it again: you are perfect just the way you are. This weekend, release any self-judgements and just enjoy life!

Are you Judging Yourself? Read More »

How would YOU interpret this reading?

Are you up for a Tarot challenge?


Okay, so let’s say your giving a reading to a close friend (lets call him Xavier, because that’s a pretty sexy name).

He moans “my life is not going anywhere. I have been stuck in the same crappy job for the past 6 years, living in my parents basement and have been single for 3 years. I can’t seem to meet the right person, no matter what I do. It feels like I am not progressing in life and I have no idea why or what I can do to change things. Help!”

You shuffle the deck and this is what comes up:


Now, how would YOU interpret these cards?

But here’s the “challenge”: How would you interpret these cards in a way that is uplifting and empowering, without being sugarcoated?

*Please note that I am not using any particular spread, so you can interpret these cards any way you like.

What advice would you give Xavier?

Feel free to share your interpretation in the comments below – I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

In one week, I will post my own interpretation here. But remember there are many, many ways to interpret this reading – there is no one “right” way. So put on your Tarot reading glasses and go to town!

How would YOU interpret this reading? Read More »

What you should do this weekend…

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my terrible alter ego to whom I give free reign for a few minutes on a Friday, so she can write this reading for you. Her advice is always bad, so be sure not to take it ;)…

the fool
The Fairytale Tarot by Karen Mahony

The Fool is here to say It’s okay to be an idiot if it means you get to have an adventure!

Being smart is overrated and always leads to boring evenings spent watching TV with safe, dull people.

Have you been wearing mostly beige, black and brown lately? Time to color it up! buy a crazy scarf in a bright color or wear some sky blue tights (even if your a guy).

Do something different this weekend – go on a mini adventure. Pack some smelly cheeses in a sac along with grapes, crackers and wine. Take it to the park along with a blank notebook and pen.

Then, plunk yourself down on a grassy knoll and pen some erotic fiction as you proceed to get drunk in public and gorge yourself on cheese.

Gosh, just writing this I am getting so excited for the weekend! I can’t f#$*ing wait!

If you are trying to make an important decision, don’t ask yourself if its the right decision, ask if it will lead to thrills and adventure.

Now is not the time to play it safe. Be reckless, be wild and enjoy it!

What you should do this weekend… Read More »

Are Tarot Cards People?

I am always trying to think of fun ways to connect with my Tarot cards and get a better understanding of them.

From meditating with my cards to interviewing my Tarot deck, I’ve tried it all!

But the other day, one of my readers said she likes to use her Tarot cards as inspiration for character development in her writing….and this got me thinking….

What if I looked at each Tarot card as if it was a person with unique character traits, quirks and secret desires?

I decided to start with one of my favorite cards, the Queen of Wands.

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

I imagine her to be a real go-getter. Sophisticated, focused and driven, I bet she would read books like Write it Down, Make it Happen and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

If it was the 80’s she would be rockin’ the shoulder pads!

She’s the kind of gal who gets up at 6 am to workout to an aerobics tape like this one:

As a dinner date she is interesting company, but never stops talking…which can get a bit obnoxious.

Of course, this is easy enough to do with a Court Card, but what about a minor arcana card like the Four of Cups?

four of cups
Anna K Tarot

If the Four of Cups were a person, he would be one of those passive-aggressive types. When asked where he wants to go for dinner, he would reply “wherever you want to go” but then be all dissatisfied and resentful about it!

On vacation, he always finds things to be unhappy about – from the low threadcount hotel sheets to the lukewarm quiche.

If friends recommend books and movies to him, he is always “disappointed”  and nothing is quite up to snuff. “I read The Hunger Games,” he laments “and I really don’t see what you liked about it.”

The Four of Cups likes to play it safe. He gravitates to the mundane things in life – only watching blockbusters and eating in chain restaurants – so no wonder he is eternally unsatisfied!

His secret wish is to feel ALIVE in everything he does, but his fear of the unknown holds him back.

Your turn!

Choose a Tarot card that you find a bit perplexing. Now pretend that it isn’t just a card….it’s a person!

What personality traits does he/she have?

What kind of movies does he/she like?

What kind of hobbies are of interest?

What is his/her secret desire?

Tell me what you come up with in the comment section below!

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