nine of pentacles

Leisure is not a four letter C word!

veronica 2

International Woman of Leisure by day, whipcracking Tarot Reader by night! Veronica is my evil twin and she took a quick break from eating bon bons to write you this tidbit of tasty advice….so take it!

Morgan Greer Tarot

Here’s the deal. Leisure is not a four letter C word. In fact, it’s a seven letter L word. Kind of like “love” but so, so much better.

I’m going to be balls to the wall honest with you…I am a woman of leisure.

I don’t just love reading filthy “romance” novels on the beach, sipping spiked hot chocolate on a lazy rainy day and napping through a yoga class – I fight tooth and nail to make these activities a substantial part of my day.

Some women look down their nose at me for this because deep down they fear that the rapidly fraying social fabric will suddenly split if they stop whizzing around aimlessly in minivans and washing duvet covers and stuff….while simultaneously wishing that it would!

Leisure time has become so taboo in our crap “culture” that admitting to spending an entire afternoon watching incense smoke curl in the sunlight while birds chirp is the quickest way to get kicked out of book club.

So here’s a tip. Take more leisure time. Be a rebel. But say your “meditating” – this is the kind of shit monks and nuns have been pulling for centuries!


Leisure is not a four letter C word! Read More »

The secret ingredient to a decadent lifestyle…

fridays with veronica

Veronica is my evil twin and I let her scrawl her silliness all over my blog every Friday. Her readings are deep, insightful and full of penis innuendos. Let’s see what nonsense advice she has for you today…

9 of pents
Morgan Greer Tarot

Just like a spectator at an orgy, the fancy lady of the Nine of Pentacles reclines with ease and luxuriously nibbles on grapes!

Do you wish you could be this fancy lady?

Guess what? You can!

All you need is a falcon, some head jewels and the understanding that everything feels more decadent when you just sit back, relax and eat grapes.

If the kids are fighting this weekend, don’t intervene. Sit back, relax and eat some grapes. Pretend your watching gladiators in a Roman coliseum.

Friends boring you with tiresome, detailed stories about their latest vacation? Sit back, relax and eat grapes. Indulge in a lurid sex fantasy about Daniel Craig. Your friends won’t even know!

Can’t stand the thought of cooking dinner for your in-laws on Sunday night? Fuck it. Sit back, relax and eat grapes. Order pizza.

So there you have it. A plan for your weekend!


The secret ingredient to a decadent lifestyle… Read More »