paulina tarot

Seek Inner Wisdom ~ The Hierophant (Tuesday)

the hierophant
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Hierophant shows you that you may be searching for a wise teacher. Someone who has all the answers and will tell you exactly what to do.

Avoid the temptation to seek widsom outside of yourself today. Yes, you can learn a lot from others, but don’t underestimate your own inner knowing and genius!

You may feel powerfully drawn to someone today – most likely a spiritual teacher or speaker. Listen to what they have to say and enjoy their story, but come back to yourself and integrate the knowledge with your own experience.

You are much wiser than you give yourself credit for!

*Just a reminder that my Angel Card teleclass is TOMORROW NIGHT! I am so excited for this live class 🙂 Click here for more info and to sign up.


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Queen of Wands = One Badass Bitch! (Wednesday)

Author’s note: I am turning my daily readings over to my evil twin Veronica for the remainder of this week as I put the finishing touches on my new e-course (The Art of Reading a Negative Card in a Positive Light). I will return next week 🙂

queen of wands
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Queen of Wands! Such a badass bitch! This Queen is my favorite of all, as she has the perfect combo of male and female energies – not like a hermaphrodite, but more like a phallus-wielding dominatrix.

This lady isn’t afraid to make shit happen and she has a ball the entire time. Think of a workaholic, but minus all the crappy, unlikeable personality traits. That’s the Queen of Wands for you!

Is that a whip she’s holding, or a wand with flowers on it? I hope its a whip. Anyhow, she’s leaning against a very huge, very nonchalant cat, which pretty much sums it all up – this Queen is beyond awesome.

But what does it all mean for you?

Well, it means that it’s high time you started acting like this goddess and channeling your inner Queen of Wands! Don’t stand for any whining from others today, it will only slow you down. Also, remember that success, productivity and achievement can be delicious, sexy and fun 🙂

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The Moon: Mystery Unfolds (Thursday)

the moon tarot card
The Paulina Tarot

The Moon is so full of mystery, raw lust and unconscious power that at times it can be frightening to behold. It represents that part of yourself that is pure animal, wild and free.

Things are not as they seem today, but don’t waste your time trying to figure it all out. Unconscious motives are at play when it comes to relationships at work and at home and its wise to remember that people aren’t as civilized as they appear!

Be aware that what you desire and feel drawn to has to do with survival instincts more than anything else. Pay special attention to your dreams right now and write them down if you can remember them upon waking.

Question: When you look at this card, what are you drawn to first? What does that symbol mean to you? Post it in the comments below!

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What Do You Look For in a Tarot Deck?

Note: all links in this article are my affiliate links

I am often asked “how do I find the right Tarot deck?” and I always say just pick a deck that you are drawn to.

But today I want to go deeper with this…

As someone who has many, many Tarot and Oracle card decks – most of which I hardly use -I am obviously drawn to different decks a lot! Perhaps too much. But I have noticed that I go through phases in regards to the type of decks I enjoy and so I have come to this conclusion:

The kind of Tarot deck you are drawn to says a lot about you and the what’s happening in your life!

I went through a phase a few years ago, where I was very attracted to busy decks like the Paulina Tarot and Shadowscapes Tarot. As long as there was a whole crap-load of stuff going on in every card, I was into it!

ace of wands...
Paulina Tarot

At the time I was going through a very exploratory phase in my life – trying lots of new things, traveling, taking classes and switching jobs – so this made perfect sense. Now I tend to be captivated by simple Tarot decks, whose cards express their message without any rambling or chitter chatter, like the Mystic Meg Tarot.

Tarot cards with simple art make me feel like I have enough breathing room to relax and let my intuition come into play. When I was first getting into Tarot I felt that more symbols and “stuff” on a card meant more information. Now I feel that less is more.

I feel that my newfound lust for Tarot simplicity reflects my efforts to de-clutter my life, as well as my recent irritation with people who talk too much and never get to the point!

So for those of you who want to know how to pick the right Tarot deck, I would suggest that you notice what is going on in your life right now. Are you in a state of transition or are you comfortably settled? Ask yourself what am I wanting more of? Do you want excitement, adventure and thrills or comfort and relaxation?

Tarot Tip: Choose a Tarot deck that reflects your life and the things you want more of.

So, with this in mind, what do YOU look for in a Tarot deck? Have you noticed yourself being attracted to particular types of Tarot/Oracle cards? What do you think this says about you? Tell me all about it in the comments below!!!

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Eight of Swords ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

paulina tarot card meanings
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot Card is from the Paulina Tarot and it is the Eight of Swords – a card that holds the secrets to our personal empowerment and freedom!

This is interesting, because this same card came up in my weekly video Tarot reading (except I was using the Mystic Tarot, so the card is called 8 of Air). So the message here is extra important.

The eight of swords is all about opening your eyes to what is holding you back in life and finding a way to release or transmute these limitations.

I get two strong messages with this card. The first is that busy-ness and overwhelm is one major block to living a full life and this can be overcome by changing how you organize and prioritize your day to day tasks.

The second thing is that you are the only person who can rescue yourself from your own “blocks” – so don’t waste time waiting around for a hero to show up and make everything great. You have the power, resources and support to heal and rise above that which holds you back. You are the knight in shining armor you’ve been waiting for!


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Two of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Cups from the beautiful Paulina Tarot. The Two of Cups is all about making connections with others, coming together for a common cause and enjoying partnerships – romantic, business and otherwise!

You may talk with someone today who shares your vision or who shares your passion for a particular hobby. Partnering with this person on a project could be exciting and beneficial for you.

You could also find that your romantic relationship is entering an easy, delightful phase. As you celebrate all your successes with your partner, you will start to notice the support and unconditional love that is radiating from him/her.

Today, choose to honor and celebrate your relationships – whether they are romantic partnerships, friendships, partnerships with colleagues – even the friendship you have with your pet. All of this will allow you to live more deeply within the heart – the first step to living fearlessly!

If you are in a relationship, try out my new Love Tarot Card Spread….

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The Hermit ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

paulina tarot the hermit
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Hermit is today’s Tarot card, which suggests that now is the time to go inward to find answers. If possible, set aside some time today to rest, relax, meditate and journal.

It may seem like there are many distractions in your life – people, chores and other things that seem to demand your attention. So remember that you do not have to wait for these things to recede in order to go within. You can go within at any time, no matter what is happening.

Notice the energy and light that resides within you – its easiest to notice it in your hands first, and sometimes your head and face. Put your attention on where you feel this life-energy the strongest and then feel it getting bigger and spreading out over your whole body. Feel yourself glowing from the inside out.

As you radiate this glowing energy, know that you are in a higher state of consciousness – if you ask your higher self for guidance right now, you will be amazed at what you receive!

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Ten of Swords ~ Tarot Reading for Thursday

Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today’s Tarot card is the Ten of Swords from the Paulina Tarot. You might be tempted to over-dramatize things today and beware that minor issues may feel like big catastrophes – this is mainly due to the fact that yesterday’s Full Moon is still effecting us today.

Right now is a time of heightened energy….its like a culmination of energy, energy that has been building over the last month. You may have sensed a feeling of energy building inside of you and around you. This is also a good time to release old energies and patterns that no longer serve you.

Use the power of the Full Moon to shine a light on that which holds you down – write it down on paper if you need to. While you can do this kind of releasing anytime, now is a particularly significant and powerful time to do this work. By the time December comes, you will be feeling fresh and free of any burdens.
Do you feel like your connection with your deck is sometimes “off”? Learn how to connect with your deck in 3 easy steps…

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