seven of swords

Diversity…..and other overused words

Veronica is my nefarious Tarot reading twin. At night she slinks through the streets under the cover of darkness, hunting for young, unsuspecting man-meat. By daylight she naps, writes filth and eats bon bons. But on Fridays, she reads Tarot – for you, right here…

osho zen tarot card
Osho Zen Tarot

Diversity is the new buzz word on everybody’s lips these days.

As in “financial planners recommend investment diversification for economic growth” or “the new multiplex will foster community, diversity and culture”

Yeah, whatever.

Like engagement, self esteem, transparency and wellness before it, diversity won’t be a hot little number forever. So let’s dissect it while we can.

You can always identify what a society lacks by the words it overuses. People are the same.

Have you ever met someone who blabbered on and on about how open and transparent they were? “I’m basically an open book. What you see is what you get,” blah blah blah.

And then you find out they have a secret, sordid life of money laundering, cocaine parties and eating at McDonald’s.

So our mainstream society doesn’t give a shit about diversity, even though it never stops talking about it.

And I get it. It’s way more fun to talk about something than to actually practice it.

Just ask all those people who list yoga as a hobby but haven’t actually been to a class since 2009.

So tell me….what do you like to talk non-stop about but don’t actually do?

Diversity…..and other overused words Read More »

Seven of Swords: “we should get together for coffee!!!” and other lies…

veronica 2My evil alter ego Veronica Noir is here to kick some sense into you with her bitchy Tarot reading! Veronica was selfless enough to take a moment out of her busy day of pedicures, naps and boy-toying to write you this snippet of advice. So take it! Or else….

seven of swords
The Housewives Tarot

You know when you run into someone you haven’t seen for a while and they say “oooh, we should get together for coffee!” but you know they are totally lying?

Then you say something like “well, I’m free all this week and all next week. Morning, noon and night – I’m open!”

And they say “hmm, yeah I’ll facebook you….”

And then they don’t.

It’s because they never actually wanted to have coffee and “catch up” with you. They don’t give a fuck. They’re  just jerking off your ego out of misplaced politeness.

And let’s face it – we all jerk off each others egos out of misplaced politeness now and then. So here’s the deal. Stop saying things you don’t mean just so you can seem more amicable.

We all know you’re a total bitch anyway.

And stop giving a free pass to all those wankers in your life who act all nicey nicey when in reality they’d rather spend an afternoon plucking nipple hairs than drinking coffee with the likes of you!


Seven of Swords: “we should get together for coffee!!!” and other lies… Read More »