tarot advice

What your closet says about you…

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Veronica is my evil Tarot twin and she’s here to deliver her special brand of Tarot wisdom! When she isn’t telling everyone what to do, Veronica spends her days drinking raspberry daiquiris and rolling around naked on a pile of feather boas. I know, totally the kind of chick you want to take advice from, right?

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Shadowscapes Tarot

Two of Wands is all about contemplation. Want something to contemplate? Your closet.

That’s right. Your closet is a mirror of your inner psyche. So what’s in it?

If your like me, your closet’s filled with kinky boots, wigs, feathered black angel wings, wild costumes, silk veils, coin bras and such.

Or if your a mentally unwell individual, perhaps you have brown sweaters, orthopedic shoes and wool scarves in your closet. Or horror of horrors…..polyester dress pants!

Is your closet messy and cheap like Old Navy just vomit-burped into your wardrobe? Or is it arranged by color, fabric and season?

Your closet should look like you want to be. Chew on that! Do you want to be organized and bland? Start sorting and categorizing, then! Or do you want to be exciting, sexy and guilt-free like me, Veronica? Then replace those polite pastel neck scarfs with some red feather boas and you’re all set!

What your closet says about you… Read More »

How to give advice….

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Veronica Noir is The Daily Tarot Girl’s fearless, daring (yet evil!) twin. When she isn’t offering up salacious advice on a Friday, she’s cruising around the Mediterranean on her yacht with a couple of boy-toys, a good book and a cool mojito.


Archangel Oracle Cards

by Doreen Virtue

Today or this weekend a close friend will ask you for advice. You will be tempted to unleash your mental cornucopia of brilliant insights.

If you do, this is what will happen:

Your friend will nod along like she’s listening. But then she will do the exact opposite of what you said. Almost as if she asked for your opinion only to reject it in a coy maneuver of subtle oneupmanship. The nerve!

So do this instead:

Give the exact opposite of what you think is “good advice” – your friend isn’t listening anyway, so have fun with it.

If she whines about her marriage, tell her to have an affair with the pool-boy. If she moans about how tired she is, suggest she mix a little Speed into her morning coffee. All work-related issues can be solved by taking an extended sick leave or quitting. All neighborly disputes can be fixed with….fists.”Maybe violence IS the answer”, you tell her.

You may soon find that none of your friends ever ask you for advice anymore. But would that really be such a bad thing?

How to give advice…. Read More »

Naughty Tarot Advice for the Weekend!

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil alter ego and she takes over my blog every friday. When she’s not looking at every Tarot card through a perverted lens, she’s getting bat-shit drunk on her balcony, reading trashy novels and eye-molesting every cute young boy toy that walks by. What oh what will she say this week?…

Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Happy Friday! Today’s Tarot card is Judgment.

Look closely and it would appear this mermaid is totally blowing something! A shell-flute – she’s blowing a shell-flute.

So the question is: what are you blowing this weekend?

Wait! That sounds filthy. Let me make it more spiritual for you.

What tune are you playing? What music are you making? What frequency are you vibrating at?

Because whatever your doing, your always broadcasting a frequency or energy of some sort. That energy is like a calling to other beings, things and experiences.

We’ve all heard those spiritually smug people say things like “what you do comes back to you, blah, blah” but that’s only part of the story.

So today, notice what horn are you blowing out to the world – what are you broadcasting?

And just be damn sure its hot, sexy and delicious tune!

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Naughty Tarot Advice for the Weekend! Read More »

Interview with Brigit from BiddyTarot.com

Join me as I chat with Brigit about Tarot cards and Tarot card reading!

Brigit Esselmont is the founder of biddytarot.com – a fabulous Tarot website. She is an intuitive Tarot reader, teacher, author and dream manifester who is passionate about business and helping aspiring Tarot pros.

In this interview we discuss:

Advice to Tarot beginners: how to learn without overwhelming yourself
How to have a deeper connection with your Tarot cards
Going pro: how to know when your ready
Steps to becoming a professional Tarot reader
Starting your own Tarot blog

You can find Brigit at:




Interview with Brigit from BiddyTarot.com Read More »

How would YOU interpret this reading?

Are you up for a Tarot challenge?


Okay, so let’s say your giving a reading to a close friend (lets call him Xavier, because that’s a pretty sexy name).

He moans “my life is not going anywhere. I have been stuck in the same crappy job for the past 6 years, living in my parents basement and have been single for 3 years. I can’t seem to meet the right person, no matter what I do. It feels like I am not progressing in life and I have no idea why or what I can do to change things. Help!”

You shuffle the deck and this is what comes up:


Now, how would YOU interpret these cards?

But here’s the “challenge”: How would you interpret these cards in a way that is uplifting and empowering, without being sugarcoated?

*Please note that I am not using any particular spread, so you can interpret these cards any way you like.

What advice would you give Xavier?

Feel free to share your interpretation in the comments below – I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

In one week, I will post my own interpretation here. But remember there are many, many ways to interpret this reading – there is no one “right” way. So put on your Tarot reading glasses and go to town!

How would YOU interpret this reading? Read More »

Are you a Tarot beginner? Start here!

Learning Tarot can be an overwhelming experience. So many decks and books to choose from, it’s hard to know where to start. If you are feeling in need of a little guidance, I made this video just for you!

6 Steps to Learn Tarot:

Step 1: Get a Tarot deck.

rider-waite-smith-tarotI recommend The Rider-Waite Tarot deck. Read my detailed review right here.
My favorite version of this deck is the Universal Waite Tarot (check it out on Amazon).



Step 2: Get a good Tarot book.

I love A Magical Course in Tarot by Michele Morgan and Learning the Tarot by Joan Bunning. Both books are excellent resources that you will want to have in your library!

learning the tarotmagical-course





For more information about what Tarot decks and Tarot books to get, check out my article Best Tarot Decks & Books for Beginners.


Step 3: Don’t get overwhelmed!

Learning Tarot is like peeling an onion – there are many layers. No matter how much you think you know about Tarot, you can always learn more. So don’t attempt to learn everything all at once. Pace yourself, relax and have fun with it!


Step 4: Download my free audio tutorial

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In this 16 minute guided exploration, I will walk you through all the steps of giving yourself an intuitive one-card Tarot or Oracle card reading.

Go here to get your free download 🙂


Step 5: Make your very own Tarot journal!

tarot-journalAll you need is a blank notebook, some colored pens and maybe some stickers if your into that sort of thing.

Your Tarot journal is your space to write about each Tarot card – what you think it means, any impressions you get, keywords, etc. Or, you can take a more specific approach to Tarot journalling and write about particular topics, as I suggest right here.

Check out my article Make Your Own Tarot Journal…And Boost Your Tarot Reading Skills for some ideas on Tarot journalling.


Step 6: Learn the Tarot card meanings

Learning the meanings of the 78 cards in your Tarot deck will be lots of fun when you use my 7 Tips for Learning Tarot Card Meanings.

Grab your “Tarot Cheat-sheet” right here. This list of all the Tarot card meanings will be handy to have on hand as you learn Tarot!

You may find that learning the Court Cards is harder than you thought. If you struggle with this, have a peek at my article & video: Learn the Tarot Court Cards Once and for All!


Further study:

buddhaHow to Read a Tarot Card with Intuition
Learn how to develop your intuition and how to use it to interpret a Tarot card.

3 Ways to Connect with Your Deck
Your Tarot readings will improve dramatically once you feel a true bond with your cards. This exercise is a must-do whenever you get a new deck!


I want to hear from you!

If you are a Tarot beginner, what do you find is your biggest challenge in learning Tarot? If you have been reading Tarot a while, what helped you the most when you were first learning? And what advice do you have for beginners? Tell me in the comment section below 🙂



Are you a Tarot beginner? Start here! Read More »