the devil tarot card

Turning tricks and getting treats!

veronica 2

Veronica is my fun-loving evil twin. She spends her days swanning about her apartment, painting nude men and writing about Tarot. Her readings are blunt and tasteless…yet oddly helpful. Basically, she just wants to slap the crap out of you with her Tarot cards! Now let’s get to today’s reading…

Hezicos Tarot

Happy Halloween! Today’s card is The Devil – a very fitting card for this time of year!

The Devil is the most famous trickster of all – he’s always cutting bad deals and seductively whispering in your ear like a sleazy salesman.

He’s come up today because you are being tricked!

You think something will have a fabulous payout – like hard work – but it won’t.

Are you one of the many whose gotten caught up in the bullshit idea that if you work hard, save for retirement and ignore your dreams then you can stay safe and sound?

I don’t think you are….but sometimes the lure of cubicle work, blockbuster movies and microwaved dinners can be strangely seductive. But it’s a trick…with no treat.

Or are you one of the unfortunates who think if I’m not a bitch, people will like me?

Well, they won’t! I know because I’ve tried it. They will still reject you. So be a bitch. Don’t put safety first.

And don’t get hypnotized by sparkly danglies like low-interest credit cards, pensions or status upgrades – these things will enslave you and slowly eat your soul, or something like that!

Halloween Special!(1)

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Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot!

This week, I am unveiling my brand new e-course The Art of Tarot: How to Read a Negative Card in a Positive Light.

Today I want to share my favorite part of this course with you – reading the negative cards as secret desires.

When a “negative” Tarot card (like the 3 of Swords or The Tower) appears in a reading, it can often represent a secret wish or unconscious desire. A desire so dark and so shocking, that our conscious selves just can’t handle it!

Let me show you what I mean:

Let’s say I’m giving myself a Tarot reading and I ask “how can I make my life more adventurous?”

And one of the cards that appears is the 8 of Swords.

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

Ding, ding, ding! Secret desire alert!

Now, there are many different ways I could look at this card, but today I am choosing to see the negative cards as representing my secret desires.

So what dark, undisclosed desire could the 8 of swords represent? And how on earth does it relate to my question?

Here are some possibilities…

1) the desire to be “rescued”

2) the desire to be tied up and blindfolded (very literal!)

3) the desire to remain “in the dark” (blindfold) and powerless (and therefore not responsible for anything)

Out of all these possible “secret desires”, the desire to be rescued feels most likely.

My Interpretation: Perhaps I want my life to be more adventurous, but secretly, deep down, I really want someone to swoop in and rescue me from boredom, whisking me away to be entertained and enchanted. As long as I sit around waiting, my life will never truly be an adventure. I need to acknowledge this desire and then take matters into my own hands.

Now it’s your turn!

Just for fun, let’s pretend your deepest, undercover desire is…..


Universal Waite Tarot Deck

In the comments below, tell me what “secret desire” of yours this Tarot Card might represent. (Can’t wait to read this!!!)

Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot! Read More »

Set Yourself Free! Tarot Card for Thursday…

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

Today’s Tarot card is Goat: Shadow God of Liberation (aka The Devil). Ask yourself if you are truly free. How do you define “freedom” anyway?

You may be powerfully drawn to that which glitters and sparkles, but beware that these things may not bring you the freedom you crave…only further enslavement.

Perhaps you are telling yourself that if you buy this thing or take this drug or have sex with this person then everything will be better and you will be happier. But nothing brings true happiness like true freedom!

A big wardrobe, new cars and fancy gym memberships are nice, but not having to go to a job you despise is even better! The only thing worth desiring is freedom – everything else is just mere distraction from the fact that you are not as free as you need to be.

So take stock of your desires and pay attention to where you put your energy and then ask yourself: am I breaking my chains or building my prison?

Set Yourself Free! Tarot Card for Thursday… Read More »

The Devil shows you how to swap bad habits for good ones (Thursday)

the devil tarot card
Shadowscapes Tarot

The Devil is today’s Tarot card and he prances by to tempt you with your secret desires, the fulfillment of which will not bring you the freedom that you are truly craving.

The Devil represents those addictive behaviors that are comforting to you, but ultimately keep you stuck in a negative pattern. Like boredom snacking, binge eating, smoking, procrastinating, shopping or a million other so-good-their-terrible-for-you activities.

Become aware of what these kinds of habits do for you (on a positive level) and then get crafty in finding ways to get those things in a different, more healthier way.

For example, if you like snacking on candy because perhaps that is the only tasty spot in your day, try creating more tasty spots – like eyeing up sexy young joggers at the park while you eat a healthy lunch. Or opt to go for an after dinner gossip fest/walk with a friend instead of watching TV. What juicy new habits will you be bringing into your life this week?


The Devil shows you how to swap bad habits for good ones (Thursday) Read More »

Tarot Card for Wednesday: How The Devil Can Set you Free!

Authors Note: For the next week, my evil twin Veronica Noir will be taking over doing the daily readings for me while I take a blogging break. Her reading style is a little different from mine – she’s a total bitch, has a depraved mind and her vocabulary is like something straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey – so as you can see, we are total opposites.

I will not be responding to any comments posted here over the next week, but I can’t wait to read them all when I return to my blog! I will resume my regular readings next Thursday. But until then….I will leave you in Veronica’s good hands 😉

Warmest Regards,
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Rider-Waite Smith Tarot

The Devil is one of my favorite Tarot cards!


Because it nudges you toward freedom by revealing how you are giving away your power.

Plus its the kinkiest card in the Tarot.

The Devil Tarot card comes up whenever addictions are an issue. So ask yourself: What am I addicted to right now?

Perhaps you are addicted to getting others approval, buying Tarot decks (wink!), eating coffee cheesecake or cyber-stalking hunky male celebrities.

Whatever it is, it doesn’t enhance your life as much as you think it does. Your addiction will hold you back, eat up your free time and drain you of energy and creativity.

But don’t try to stop…that never works! Instead, imagine what your life could be like without this addiction and take things from there.

So….if your in the mood to divulge, tell me what “addiction” is keeping you stuck in a rut in the comments below….

Tarot Card for Wednesday: How The Devil Can Set you Free! Read More »

The Devil ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

crystal visions tarot the devil
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Friday’s Tarot card is The Devil and I am getting some really interesting messages with this one!

Basically, The Devil appears as a reminder to look at all the ways you give your power away and realize that this is your choice and not something you have to do.

Often, its the little temptations that can suck our energy and bring us down – like making impulse purchases, buying stuff you don’t really need, eating food that doesn’t nourish you and engaging in activities that don’t really add to your overall enjoyment of life (like watching TV or spending all night on the internet).

So make a commitment to yourself to be vigilant about all the ways you are giving away your power. Ask yourself where you invest your time, money and energy in things that don’t make you feel free, exuberant and alive.

Awareness is the first step on the road to freedom!


The Devil ~ Tarot Card for Friday! Read More »

Conditioning ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Friday

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

Today’s Tarot Card, “Conditioning” (The Devil in a Rider Waite deck) is one of the most fascinating cards in the Osho Zen Tarot deck! It is all about questioning our identity and realizing our true power and potential.

We are powerful, magnificent beings who have been conditioned through our society to believe we are weak, powerless and unimportant and that life will be easier if we go along with the herd (like sheep). When we awaken to this, we realize that these limits are self imposed by our beliefs about ourselves. It is time to step out of the false beliefs that bind us and into our true, empowered, radiant state of being.

Notice what small beliefs you have about yourself (such as what can I do? I’m just one person) and take the time to question them. Also, notice if you have any fears about becoming awakened and stepping into your true power. You might feel worried that you will be lonely and unable to relate to those around you or you may fear being shunned by your friends and family. Just noticing these fears and how they hold you back will allow them to disintegrate.

I am excited to announce my next Full Moon Reading will be on Nov 28, 7pm PST and will be on the topic of creating more prosperity and abundance in our lives. Click here for more info!

Conditioning ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Friday Read More »

The Devil Tarot Card for Sat & Sun

The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington

This weekend’s Tarot card is Cernunnos (aka The Devil) from the Druidcraft Tarot. The Devil Tarot card brings with it a message about the importance of awakening.

It is time to wake up! Now, more than ever, spiritual awakening is becoming an important focus for many of us. The Devil Tarot card symbolizes that state of unawareness that we can often find ourselves in.

It is very common to go through your days in a kind of mental slumber, not really noticing what’s going on and not seeing the big picture. There is a saying that “ignorance is bliss”, as if becoming awakened is a horrible experience to be avoided!

The Devil Tarot card also symbolizes all the things that keep you feeling limited and oppressed. The less aware you are of what these things are and how they operate, the more effect they will have on you. This card indicates that you will have an opportunity this weekend to gain more awareness in your life, becoming more awake than you were before.

The final message of this card is that becoming awakened is nothing to fear – it is only once you are wide awake that you will truly be able to step into your power.


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