Page of Pentacles ~ Daily Tarot Reading for Monday

crystal visions tarot page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

Monday’s card, Page of Pentacles, comes to us from the Crystal Visions Tarot Deck, reminding us that we are on the right path, but there is still much we need to learn in our chosen field.

This Page is all about study, learning and apprenticeship, but it refers to both formal and informal study. If you have been thinking about switching careers or branching out and trying something new, it means that studying this new information and learning new skills will be an important step for you.

Take action toward your goals today by looking into courses, programs or teachers that could help you along your new path. Or even start by getting a book on your chosen subject/field and begin doing your own research.

Make sure whatever you are investing your time, money and energy in is something that brings you joy and really captivates your interest. The process of learning should be just as exciting as your idea of this new career. Don’t waste time studying something that holds little interest for you just for the sake of getting a “good” job after.

Enjoy the journey, not just the fantasy of the destination!