The Hermit Tarot Card for Wednesday!

Intuitive Tarot
The Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

The Hermit tarot card is all about taking comfort in solitude and shining the light of consciousness and inner wisdom on your life.

When you look at this card you see scary creatures lurking in the dark corners. This represents the idea that we fear what we do not understand. There are no frightening creatures in the light. When you notice your fears come up, shine the light of awareness on it. The more you know about and are aware of your fears, the less power they will hold over you.

Nearly every negative feeling we have can be traced back to fear. So when a negative feeling arises today, ask yourself what the original fear is.

Get to know your fears – where did they originate from? How do they effect you in your day to day life? What kinds of things can you do to help dissipate this fear?

But most importantly, ask yourself who would I be without this fear?

*Get your free download of my mini tutorial How to Read Tarot with Love, Light and Intuition! Or check out the written version ~ How to Read Tarot Cards: A Step by Step Guide.

4 thoughts on “The Hermit Tarot Card for Wednesday!”

  1. The hermit was on the mark for me reminding me of a need for psychic protection so I wrapped myself in a cocoon of brilliant white light. It worked to ease my tension.

  2. Hi Kate, I agree that most negativities arise from fear and once we become aware of them, and acknowledge them, they are not so terrifying.

    This is a lovely deck and I like the idea of shining the light of awareness onto the source of the fear.

  3. Fantastic, fresh, intuitive take on this card, Kate! Today, while you MIGHT be talking to me, I’m pretty sure you’re also talking DIRECTLY to my friend Joan. I sent her the link.

    and Happy Wednesday.

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