Weekly Reading Forecast for March 3 – 9

Here is my forecast for the upcoming week, using the Archangel Oracle card deck. Which card resonates most strongly with you and why?

Have a wonderful week, everyone :


5 thoughts on “Weekly Reading Forecast for March 3 – 9”

  1. Hey, Kate–

    I’m interested to see Haniel show up twice–and especially after she made herself known a couple of weeks ago. This is what stands out most for me with this reading. The way her two cards face each other make me see very clearly the way that following my own path–even in the face of others’ “input”–can put me in the way of feeling very sensitive.

    That final card says to me, “Above all else, keep my own counsel this week.”

    Thanks for that!

    Also . . . I received the Crystal Visions Tarot last night. At first, I wasn’t thrilled with them. The images seemed small and hard to see. But I went ahead and took the scissors to them and found that as I looked at them more closely–trimming is such an intimate procedure!–and got them free of their white “strait-jackets!”–they really spoke to me! They’re wonderfully narrative, their images flowing effortlessly from one card to the next making story-telling with them so easy!

    Thanks for turning me on to this deck. I think it would have gone unnoticed, and I’m very glad now to have it.


    1. Yes, trimming the Crystal Visions makes a huge difference! It was shortly after I trimmed this deck that it became my most used deck. I don’t know why so many cards have those shitty white borders. I can’t stand them!

  2. Oh my, Kate! These cards certainly hit home with me so much! All three really resonate with me but if I had to pick just one, definitely Sensitivity for me! This is something I deal with frequently in my life as I feel driven to follow my heart and what I feel is my passion to do with my life but it seems there is always someone there to try and knock me down. You are so right about what others think of us is not our problem and that we should do our thing regardless of what others think! It’s our lives, who knows better than we what we need to do for OURSELVES! Boo to the person who told you what you needed to be doing with your life, obviously that person isn’t fulfilled in their own life to be worrying about what’s going on in others’! You rock on, girl! You’re awesome and brilliant! 🙂

    1. Thanks Mel, for your words of encouragement! 🙂
      And you are right…that person isn’t exactly leading a life that I envy.
      I have to remind myself of that…but sometimes for sensitive people like us, its all too easy to take things to heart.
      Glad this reading resonated with you.

  3. Angelia Branch

    Breathe! All weekend I have found myself breaking my natural breathing pattern to take deeper breaths. Whew! I just keep it flowing! <3 thx for all your time and gifts of sharing! Anj

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