Page of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

Greetings! I returned home yesterday from my vacation in Alaska and after a full day of laundry, unpacking and doing the usual boring post-vacation stuff, I am excited to get back to my daily readings!

page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Page of Pentacles, one of my faves! This card has come to speak to the student within you – the lifelong learner that loves learning new skills and reading countless books.

Today is the day to fully immerse yourself in learning something for its own sake. Don’t learn to better yourself – learn because its fun, because it lets you be in the moment.

Take an inquisitive approach to problems and challenges today. Do your research before making a decision and don’t assume you know how another person feels.

When it comes to being creative, don’t let your inexperience hold you back. So what if your artwork or music sucks? Keep at it and you’ll get way better than you ever thought possible. Be willing to experiment today!

Today’s question: if you had no fear, what creative skill would you want to learn? Let me know in the comments below…

14 thoughts on “Page of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday”

  1. Kate–

    Over the last three years, my Page of Pentacles learning has been directed toward tarot. Even though I’ve been interested in and working with the cards off and on for 25 years or more, it’s been so hit and miss. Now though, it’s what I would call my avocation. My “real” work is super satisfying and creative, but studying tarot and giving readings for me is beautiful, creative, happy, and engaging.

    And look at the kinds of friends I’m making!

    Happy PP Day.
    Glad you’re home.

  2. I would love to and have always wanted to learn to play piano. Also, paint. Oh, time, time, time!

  3. Iยดve started to learn to read the Lenormand cards and I try to keep it playful and not so serious as I usually tend to do.

    1. Ellen–

      I want to hear about your Lenormand adventures! The cards are so adorable, but my tentative forays into them have made me feel the system is pretty rigid. But maybe you’re having a different experience.

      You can always click on my name and get to my website, if you want to let me know how it’s going–or just reply to me on any of my responses to Kate’s posts, instead.


      1. As I have answered Kate, the beauty of the Lenormand is in the combinations of the cards, You donยดt read a fixated meaning, but you combine two or more cards to one new concept. At first this can feel awkward, but the more you practice, the more intuitive the readings will become (I think) if you are really interested, you should check out Donnaleigh at She has a lot of lessons and examples on Youtube

    2. Ellen, I have never tried Lenormand cards, but I am always hearing so much about them. What would you say is the main difference between reading with them, as opposed to Tarot cards?

      1. As far as I know for now, the main difference is that you pair them up in your reading. So you never read one card on its own. In that way you can have endless combinations with only 36 cards. The reading tend to be more practical then spiritual. It is also fun to combine tarot with Lenormand cards when you want to know about the feelings behind the matter. I have learned a lot from Donnaleigh at

        1. Thanks for this, Ellen – I love Donnaleigh’s site, that’s where I got the idea to trim my decks! This has really intrigued me…I am going to look into the Leonormand cards more. Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I would learn, how to decorate a home…I would learn how to make delicious indian or japanese food…
    But now it’s time for Yoga: I’ve never done it before, and just a couple of weeks ago, I met a yoga teacher, and felt like starting…Now I regret that I didn’t start before. But actually, it’s never too late to learn something new. Cheers! ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. So glad your getting into Yoga, EG. I love Yoga, too, although I feel like to get the most benefit from it I need to do it regularly, which I sometimes forget to do.

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