Time to Take Charge with the Two of Wands Tarot Card (Monday)

two of wands tarot card
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Two of Wands Tarot Card asks you this: where do you want to go now? What do you want to do with yourself?

You have reached a point of pause in your life, a contemplative standstill. Its up to you what the next steps will be!

You possess much experience, strength, insight and understanding (symbolized by the world that this guy is holding), but don’t turn away from that and try to tell yourself you don’t know what your doing. Because you do!

Don’t let others make the big decisions for you right now and notice if you are telling yourself “oh, I’ll just do nothing and see what happens.”

This is your time to take charge of your life and make your own plans, so hesitate only to contemplate your next move and then rock on with life.

9 thoughts on “Time to Take Charge with the Two of Wands Tarot Card (Monday)”

  1. I got this card yesterday! I have been thinking for the past few days…”what am I going to do next?” Been indoors for too long (it rained I think everyday last week and chilly out). I really need a night out with friends but they seem to always have an excuse. I think I’ll be going out this weekend by myself. I want to come home with aching feet from dancing all night long! 🙂

  2. Great interpretation and very timely as I’ve felt myself in a state of “pause” these last couple of days. Perhaps I am recharging for what awaits me!

  3. What a wonderful way to talk about the Two of Wands, Kate! This is such an oddly difficult card to get a hold of–especially when you place it next to the Three of Wands. After way too many years hemming and hawing about it, my aha! moment came when I saw the Two of Wands in the Crystal Visions Tarot (thanks for turning me on to that). In that card, a guy is sitting astride his dragon and contemplating the future. What I realized, looking at that image, is that the guy is thinking about where he wants to plant his “dragon energy,” his fire energy, his creative, enterprising energy–and somehow it all made sense.

    Also, a follow-up on that Deck of 1000 Spreads … Last night, last thing, I drew my own daily card and got The Empress. I couldn’t decided if she was just acknowledging that I’d been doing some gardening, or if she was referring to an old, Empressy aquaintance I’d seen the evening before, or if she was a caution against being too self-indulgent, or if she was suggesting that I spend today at the fabric store! (It was late, and that’s the danger, for me, of drawing a single card with no question in mind.)

    So, I wrote down all of these possibilities, and then shuffled my 1000 Spreads deck with the idea that I would randomly pull a position card that would tell me how to apply The Empress. The card I got was “Action,” so today, I’m putting The Empress into action by heading to the fabric store and yumming up all the velvets, then buying some lovely pieces to wrap some of my naked decks. And I’ll return to the yard for a little garden action. And take a gator-duckies lake walk, too.

    I think The Empress would approve.


    1. I love it when a card that hasn’t made sense to me for a while suddenly makes sense – the Crystal Visions two of Wands you are talking about is a lovely one!
      Have a good empressy day 🙂 Don’t get eaten….

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