Ace of Cups Reversed – Let Your Feelings Flow! (Tuesday)

hanson roberts ace of cups
Hanson Roberts Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Ace of Cups reversed. Its okay to pour out your emotions and feelings today. Show others how much you love them and don’t hesitate to shed a few happy tears if you feel like it.

Whatever you do, don’t hold your feelings in today. You don’t have to wear your heart on your sleeve if that’s not your thing, but let your feelings flow and let that emotional armor come down for a day.

Relationship issues could come to a head today, so now is a good time to express how you really feel. Your outpouring of emotion could overwhelm those close to you, so don’t be surprised if they don’t match your level of feeling. But do what feels right for you in the moment.

To learn more about reading reversed Tarot cards, check out my article!

6 thoughts on “Ace of Cups Reversed – Let Your Feelings Flow! (Tuesday)”

  1. I’m going to apply this energy to my novel-ghostwriting, today. I will pour my emotions into the scenes I write today and infuse them with lots of energy!


    1. Oooh! Ghost writing sounds very mysterious and exciting – although I am guessing its not as interesting as it sounds?

      1. Well, interestingly enough, in this particular story, there ARE ghosts–and cool, prophetic dreams, and visions. But that’s only because I’m writing it. Another ghost-writer? Probably would not have included that dimension.

        What I’m saying? The client’s just lucky no one is reading tarot cards in his darned book!


        1. Oh, which reminds me . . . I wanted to let you (and Veronica) know that I’ve ordered Lisa Hunt’s Ghosts & Spirits Tarot.

          It’s flitting towards me as I write this . . .
          jme, the Friendly Ghost

  2. Yesterday I had pulled out a book I have by Doreen Virtue and when I opened it randomly the sentence that caught my eyes read “When you take off your armor, you find and experience amour.” So yet again your reading is confirmation on my next step or guidance. Thank you woman. 🙂

    1. Erica, that’s so good to hear – I love hearing about synchronicities like that! I feel honored that my readings are giving you confirmation 🙂

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