Oracle Card Forecast for the Upcoming Week

I am so excited to use my new Conscious Spirit Oracle card deck for this reading…

Have a lovely week 🙂

6 thoughts on “Oracle Card Forecast for the Upcoming Week”

  1. Thanks, Kate.

    Very helpful and affirming. Just before I listened to this tonight, I sent a client a note telling him I would not be available at all until Wednesday or Thursday b/c I’m feeling very burned out, creatively–and, frankly, just don’t have the energy to interact with him right now.

    In my own evening draw I got the Queen of Pents, telling me to take care of myself at a physical level, and felt that I should do that for at least three days. I figured that at the end of that period, I’d be able to reassess how to move forward with the client in question–and your mid-week card really confirms that!

    I guess, if your end-of-the-week card is on-target for me, that I’ll be setting some boundaries. Wish me luck.


    1. He, take care of yourself. Three days… it’s not that much, but if you treat yourself like princess and put that client in the fridge!!
      I wish you well Jamie 🙂

      1. Love it, Ellen! “Put that client in the fridge!!” Thank you for that! By the way, I’ve not been commenting, but I have been very much enjoying your blog!


    2. Good luck with the boundary setting, Jamie – I’m glad this reading made sense for you and whats going on in your life right now 🙂

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