Tarot Reading for May 19 – 25

Cards used: Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

Have a great week! 🙂

5 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for May 19 – 25”

  1. Kate I love your weekly readings 🙂 I bought the Crystal Vision Tarot you used in a previous reading. I can’t wait to receive them. When I watched this video it immediately struck a chord with me regarding a current situation. Especially the “being patient” part. It will be interesting to see how this works out.
    Thanks for you weekly reading! I’ve been following you for a few months now and have both your tarot journal and the tarot spread ebooks. LOVE THEM. You did a great job.

    1. Hi Michele,
      Thank you so much!!! That is wonderful to hear that you like my two books and my readings 🙂
      You are going to really enjoy the Crystal Visions – its one of my favorite decks (I have many favorite decks, but I would put the Crystal Visions in the top 3!)

      1. I have many favorites too 🙂 I also have a set of fortune cards I love and one set of oracle tarot that is beautiful and I love ! I have a lot of decks!

        I have a lot going on but I hope to connect with you for mentoring within the next year. You have a style and warmth to your readings that I like. I’m self taught 🙂

        Take care!

  2. After I watched this reading, I bought this deck. I’m in love and cant wait for them to arrive!

    1. Oh Steph, you will love these cards! They really changed how I read Tarot in general – one of those really influential tarot decks, in my opinion.

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