Tarot Reading for Aug 18 – 24

Have a lovely week and feel free to share your take on these cards in the comments below 🙂

8 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for Aug 18 – 24”

  1. Lovely reading, Kate. Thanks so much!

    I watched the first half of it on Sunday, and am just getting back to finish it now, on Wednesday.

    But it’s just beautiful. I like it particularly when you go back over the cards and suss out further meanings and connections. It adds so much depth and richness!

    Mid-week hugs,

  2. Hi Kate – hope you have a beautiful week too! The last two weeks were a struggle for me and I’m working towards a better week thus week. The first card falls right in line with how I planned to start my week……Not sure how the other two fit yet.

    On the first card those look like butterflies to me ….transformation coms to mind 🙂

    1. Ok – second card I see lotus flowers and I totally agree with your interpretation about intuition/feelings and taking it more seriously . For me that means slowing down and paying attention. 🙂

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