Angel Card Reading for Sept 1 – 7

Have a great week 🙂

9 thoughts on “Angel Card Reading for Sept 1 – 7”

  1. I’m thinking that maybe you have to decide for yourself what kind of “Mary” you need to be this week. Or where you feel you belong, maybe?

    I’m not religious, but in the bible we have three types of Mary. The mother of Jesus- a nurturing type, who takes care of herself and her family and friends. But who also worry to much of what other may think of her. Kind of stuck in the role she has in the society she lives in? We have the prostitued, also known as Veronica 😉 (not that she is one!) Who loves to do what she wants, and NEVER listens to other peoples bullshit. Who is true to herself no matter what, but not always get cheers for it. Who feels a little lonely from time to time when all she need is someone who can see her true self. And then there’s the innocent child, the girl who really believes there’s good in every one until she’s being used before thrown away. The girl who believes in storyes, dreams, illusions, and fairyes. The Mary who almost was stoned to death, but saved by Jesus. (Her name was Mary, wasn’t it?)

    …..just some thoughts…. 🙂

    (please do correct my english if there’s wrong words here and there…):p I know it isn’t always correct spelling;)

    1. Hi Maria,
      Thanks for mentioning this – I like how you explain how the “mary” figure can represent different female archetypes – deciding what kind of “mary” you want to be this week is a wonderful suggestion 🙂


  2. Hi Kate! Lovely reading! When I looked at this reading I saw “follow your dreams”, “see where they take you and what you will learn – test the waters – see how you like it”. “Be compassionate with yourself during this new phase of following your dream and learning”. I like the idea of day dreaming – I’ve been a little lost lately about step to take next.

    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks for your take on these cards, Michele – I know sometimes we forget the power of daydreaming and think we’re just being lazy – but I think that’s a misconception!

  3. I don’t have this deck, so the Mother Mary card is a mystery to me. But, looking at the images, I had the thought of “Contemplating your dreams and desires, experiencing new adventures, and then settling in with all your new knowledge.”

    1. Cher that’s really nice 🙂 all the cards felt calming to me. Sort of like “it’s going to be ok”.

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