Tarot Reading for Dec 1 – 7

Please feel free to add your own interpretation in the comments below 🙂

Have a great week!


8 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for Dec 1 – 7”

  1. Oh my gosh, Kate. This is EXACTLY how I’ve been feeling lately! This is probably the message I needed to hear right now. And there’s some definite parallels to a reading/demonstration I just did on my blog. It’s a little spooky, haha.

    PS- I was really excited when you guys did the spirit guide topic for the Menage a Tarot podcast and responded to my email. It was awesome! I appreciated how all of you presented balanced and thoughtful opinions on the subject, without it being “this is exactly how the universe is, no ifs, ands, or buts. Deal with it. The Boogeyman is out to get you.” If that makes sense. I think it’s important for people to remember there are many perspectives out there, and that one isn’t necessarily more valid than another, nor do we have to just blindly accept something we hear or read at face value. Learning and exposing ourselves to ideas is what matters, and the podcast has captured that. Thank you.

    It’s also inspired to maybe write a post on my experience/thoughts on working with a pendulum & doing Ouija. I don’t know everything there is to know about pendulums, but I’ve been dowsing with one almost 17 years now, so I have a few ideas. Have a lovely week! n_n

    1. Hi Chani,
      I’m so glad this reading was helpful for you 🙂
      And I’m glad you liked our podcast! That was a really fun topic to talk about, so thanks for giving us your feedback and question. It’s good to know that we are able to present a balanced perspective. I look forward to reading your post on Ouija and pendulums. I have a pendulum and used it a bit when I first got it, so I’m interested to hear your perspective on it 🙂


  2. Kate!

    I’ve been feeling SO BURNED OUT! When I noticed I had no writing clients scheduled from November 25th to December 6th, instead of panicking, I just drew a line through those days on my calendar and declared myself On Vacation.

    I really need some (re-)thinking time–but before I could even do that, I needed to sleep! So, sleep, I have. And I’ve read. And slept some more. And not even really journaled or meditated. And finally, I feel a bit of renewal returning.

    But I still have this week, and I’m going to do exactly what you suggest, b/c I can tell I’m not yet fully recovered. And instead of panicking about $$ toward the end of the week, I’ll sail forward like that Cup card at the end.

    Thanks for the affirmation.

    1. There’s nothing like sleeping and reading to renew your mind, body and spirit! But another week of doing that probably sounds okay to you, right? Glad this resonated with you 🙂

  3. Wow! That was quite a reading! I’m paying particular attention because I’m on my own Monday and Tuesday at work when there are usually 3 of us! By Wednesday I will probably need a break!

    Those are beautiful cards. I’m Really struggling with finding the right tarot deck to learn on. I think I must be an intuitive reader because when I do a structured class i flounder a bit….it feels unfamiliar. I seem to connect more with oracle than tarot but I want to continue learning tarot.

    1. Hi Michele,
      Finding the right deck can be hard – have you checked out the Crystal Visions Tarot? I like that one, it has a very flowy, intuitive feel to it. My other recommendations would be the Morgan-Greer Tarot, Robin-Wood Tarot and Hanson-Roberts Tarot.
      Hope you find your Tarot deck 🙂

      1. Crystal visions in my hand – let see how that goes. In the future I may want a mentoring session! I also have the gilded tarot and I’ll check out the Morgan Greer 🙂 thanks for the suggestions!

        1. The Crystal Visions is a good one because it stays fairly close to the traditional Rider Waite deck, and the best thing is that each card and suit has enough variation in it so you can easily tell the wands/cups/swords/pentacles apart. Each suit has a distinct energy to it in that deck. And I would love to do a mentoring session with you, Michele!

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