Page of Cups: Tarot Card for March 16 – 22

For this reading I am using my Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot yet again!

Have a good week!

11 thoughts on “Page of Cups: Tarot Card for March 16 – 22”

  1. Wow, Kate, it almost sounded you’re doing a private reading to me! Spot-on. 🙂 Thank you!

  2. Hi Kate. Thanks for your time and reading.

    Just like the days of the sermon that was presented “just for me! How did he know I needed that?” this reading is right on for me. I see also grounding of the trees and stillness of the lake, that instills in me taking time to be alone and listen to that still, small voice inside myself.

    I see I am not alone in not quite knowing how to phrase questions. (Thanks, Toby!)

  3. Hi Kate,
    As Sunshine said, I look forward to your weekly videos as part of my regular YouTube viewing. I’ve been keeping my own tarot journal so far this year, and it’s a great way for me to develop my skills.

    I always find it very tricky to even think of a question, let alone phrase it properly for the Tarot. What do you ask the cards when making a weekly video, and by that, I mean what is the question you ask before pressing record on your camera?

    Best wishes.
    Toby (Norfolk, UK)

    1. Great questions Toby!
      I actually don’t ask a question before I do my weekly readings, I just intent that the cards I choose will give me some insights into the theme of the upcoming week. But when I’m reading for myself, I usually ask “what do I need to know or be aware of right now?” or “what do I need to be focusing on right now?” – I find it’s best to ask open ended questions as those produce the best readings. Yes/No questions or questions about timing tend to make for crummy readings! But your question has inspired me to do a blog post about questions to ask the Tarot – so thank you!!!!

  4. (Smile) Those are oak leaves/branches and acorns and I’m heavily involved in a writing project in Raleigh, NC … the city of oaks. There is much reading between the lines with this project! Would love to see several more cards for further information!

  5. Hi Kate,
    Wonderful video as always, your weekly readings are now amy Sunday staple and I really look forward to them!
    I did get an intuition hit about the stripes when you mentioned it: I was thinking of “reading between the lines” – as a Page/Student of some field, perhaps paying attention to the small details, and not taking things too personally is a good attitude to as adopt, in terms of being open to receiving guidance from whatever source and having enough humility to develop ourselves in the right direction.

    1. Thank you Sunshine – I’m honored that you watch my videos each week 🙂
      I like your take on this Page – thank you for sharing it!


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