Tarot Reading for July 20 – 26

Here is your Tarot reading for the week ahead…

I don’t know, but this reading may seem a bit rambly and wonky….it is HOT here right now and I think it’s frying my brain! That’s my excuse anyway 😉 Can’t wait for the cooler, saner weather of Fall.

Please feel free to add your own interpretation in the comments below…

Have a great week 🙂

8 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for July 20 – 26”

  1. Christian Mitchell

    Kate, what can I say. Your forecast resonates with me each week. However, this week, WOW. Pretty much spot on. I was promoted to a new job with a suite of major projects. Although I am pleased to have the role, I have a fair bit of self doubt and uncertainty/insecurity about the role. The universe provided the right cards, no doubt about it. Not only that, but these cards showed at the same time that there is a lot of internal reorganisation going on within me.

  2. Hi Kate,

    Great interpretation! I actually just did my own spread for the week before watching your video and the 7 of cups came up for me as well (in the midweek position). Maybe it was meant for me to see your video and get better clarification, however, I still am unsure of how the card fits into my week. I guess it will be revealed eventually but just thought I’d share that with you.


    1. Hi Christie,
      That’s nice you got some confirmation by seeing the same card twice – it will be interesting to see how it plays out for you 🙂
      Thanks for watching!

  3. Hi Kate! This made perfect sense to me and is carrying over from last weeks reading (in my case) as I try work through a really tough time with everything coming at me quickly and no real direction or plan yet and trying to stay in control is just not helping. Xoxox really good reading and very meaningful for me.

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