Turning tricks and getting treats!

veronica 2

Veronica is my fun-loving evil twin. She spends her days swanning about her apartment, painting nude men and writing about Tarot. Her readings are blunt and tasteless…yet oddly helpful. Basically, she just wants to slap the crap out of you with her Tarot cards! Now let’s get to today’s reading…

Hezicos Tarot

Happy Halloween! Today’s card is The Devil – a very fitting card for this time of year!

The Devil is the most famous trickster of all – he’s always cutting bad deals and seductively whispering in your ear like a sleazy salesman.

He’s come up today because you are being tricked!

You think something will have a fabulous payout – like hard work – but it won’t.

Are you one of the many whose gotten caught up in the bullshit idea that if you work hard, save for retirement and ignore your dreams then you can stay safe and sound?

I don’t think you are….but sometimes the lure of cubicle work, blockbuster movies and microwaved dinners can be strangely seductive. But it’s a trick…with no treat.

Or are you one of the unfortunates who think if I’m not a bitch, people will like me?

Well, they won’t! I know because I’ve tried it. They will still reject you. So be a bitch. Don’t put safety first.

And don’t get hypnotized by sparkly danglies like low-interest credit cards, pensions or status upgrades – these things will enslave you and slowly eat your soul, or something like that!

Halloween Special!(1)

4 thoughts on “Turning tricks and getting treats!”

  1. Best reading ever!!! I took a job last year because of the higher pay….guess what?? A year later its proven to be a big stress in my life!! Things have to change for the better…Thanks for waking me up!

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