Oracle Card Forecast for Jan 4 – 10

For this reading I’m using a deck I haven’t used in ages! The Life Purpose Oracle Deck…..

Have a great week 🙂


7 thoughts on “Oracle Card Forecast for Jan 4 – 10”

  1. Hi Kate! As always, ENJOYED your reading….running a bit behind this week!
    Your reading truly touched me…as I know, I’m on track with my Soul Purpose & a great reminder of having boundaries w/others. (That challenge took me a while to get under wraps! lol). All our lives are truly a Soul to Soul connection….. but some are more so than others….for we all are teaching each other, if we just stay in Awareness.
    All the BEST to you and Thank YOU,

    1. Oh, also, I watched this video just after sending off my first article for that big divination project I told you about . . . so I was feeling just the tiniest bit authorial!

  2. Kate this reading really resonated with me…..I do feel very tired this weeken and gave been napping… Drained is the right word. I plan to journal as well and is was considering doing some spiritual work on the weekend. Thank you for the reading!

  3. Hi Kate,

    Loved this weekly oracle reading! The middle of the week, our role as counselors, really resonated with me. Funny thing too is that I was reading your review about this deck earlier today LOL glad I got to see more of the cards today 🙂 Wishing you a very happy new year!


  4. Kate,
    Namaste, this reading was very appropriate. FYI though someone elses reading comes up after yours with a series of their readings. I’ve never had that pop up in your vlog before.

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