Oracle Card Reading for March 14 – 20

I must be in an ocean/nautical/sea mood or something! This is the third reading that I’ve used an ocean themed deck. It looks like a pretty low key week, anyhow, so that’s good 😉

Feel free to add your own two cents to this reading in the comments below!


4 thoughts on “Oracle Card Reading for March 14 – 20”

  1. Hi Kate! Thank you for this wonderful reading for the week. I’ve been having a tough time in my job and I came to your site for guidance and inspiration for a week that has started out quite difficult. I am interpreting the Mother card towards a disappointing manager at work, for a manager should be someone who acts as a sort of mother to guide and nurture the development of their employees. I am feeling inspired to work on healing my feelings about the situation and soul search about the future. Your reading definitely gave me some insight on what to meditate on during this difficult time. As always, your weekly readings are spot-on and are truly appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Hi Jojo!
      Thank you so much for sharing how this reading applied to your life – I’m really touched that you find my readings helpful 🙂
      Best of luck to you and your work situation,

  2. Hello Kate,

    Thank you for the reading. What is the name of the Oracle deck used here, please? I love it very much…


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