8 Questions Your Tarot Cards Have for YOU!

Ever notice how you’re always asking your Tarot deck questions, but it never asks you anything? You must feel like such a Nosy Nellie sometimes!

Well, that’s about to change…

In the past I’ve written posts like 20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight! and how to interview your Tarot deck to get to know it better.

But did you know that your Tarot cards actually have SO MANY questions for you? Yes, you.

You may have been looking at your Tarot cards for answers, but your cards have been trying to ask you questions….the kind of questions that, if answered, lead to those answers! So it’s high time you started paying attention…

Okay, let’s get down to business.

Step One: Pick a Card

Shuffle your deck and draw a card. That’s right, just draw a card but don’t ask a question.

Step Two: Question Time!

Now it’s time to hear the questions that this Tarot card is asking you. You may want to jot down your impressions on a bit of paper if that helps you process it and remember.

The first question is this:

1. How do I make you feel?

Take a moment to really gaze at your card. It may illicit feelings of relief, stress, confusion or joy or maybe you feel nothing at all. Just notice it.

2. What do you notice the most? What keeps drawing your attention?

The thing that draws your attention is the symbol you want to focus on first.

3. What does that symbol represent?

Just be literal here, don’t get all college kid fancy. In the card I drew for this exercise (7 of wands from the Heart and Hands Tarot) I see a fist clenching over a club. To me, that represents holding onto something, grasping, tightly holding, gripping, wielding a stick.

Heart and Hands Tarot by Liz Blackbird
Heart and Hands Tarot by Liz Blackbird

4. What’s the overall theme of this symbol?

For me, the theme of the gripping fist is holding onto something in a desperate, defensive way or defending something.

5. Are you doing this in your own life? Where? How?

It could be something your doing that is holding you back or it could be something you need to start doing in order to move forward.

With the 7 of Swords, I’m asking myself what am I holding onto so tightly? Do I need to let go of anything? What am I defending? Should I be standing up for myself more?

6. How does this affect your life? Is it positive, negative, neutral? Both or all?

For me, the tendency to hold onto things for a long time (like my plastic hooker boots from 1999 and ancient Cosmo mags) can stifle my energy. Yet the ability to defend myself and stand up for my rights is a good thing.

7. Is this a quality you should invite more of? Less of?

In my case, I may want to invite more of the assertive, passionate energy of the 7 of Wands but less of the gripping fear.

Step Three: Putting it Together

8. Moving forward, what are you going to do differently as a result of these  insights?

I plan to make a list of what I want to let go of, but also a list of what is important to me – what I feel is worth fighting for. Hopefully this will give me some clarity on what I need to focus on as I move forward with projects, work and relationships.

This last step allows you to put what you’ve learned about yourself into action in your daily life. Don’t skip this powerful step! It’s how you allow Tarot to work magic in your life.

Letting your cards ask YOU the questions allows you to experience the Tarot in a deeper, more personal way. A cards initial meaning may not really make sense to you at first, but if you do some inquiry and answer the above questions, I guarantee you will have an AHA! moment and any confusion will melt away.

Over to you!

What card did you draw for this exercise? What insights did you get from it? Feel free to share in the comments below!!!!

7 thoughts on “8 Questions Your Tarot Cards Have for YOU!”

  1. Linda Whitworth

    I had difficulty with this because I am working with Faerie Tarot Cards (from Doreen Virtue). I drew the Six of Spring, which I believe it corresponds to Cups. There is a symbol on the flag that caught my attention the other times I’ve drawn this card. But no one seems to know what the symbol is or what it could mean. Only me. ????

  2. Check out the hidden special illustration in the bottom left corner of the Nine of Swords…Llewellyn deck. Worked so well with this exercise. Thank you!

  3. I drew Death reversed. I felt confused and unsettled initially. My focus was on the flag and it represented a pause for me. The insight I grasped was a warning of being stagnant and resisting a necessary progress. I am making a list of ways this may be eliciting hesitation.

  4. I drew the ace of pentacles, I felt connected to the coin & the Star inside. I felt it was telling me to be more abundant & harmonies, & wishes & new beginnings are around the corner.

  5. Hello Kate!
    I found this exercise really useful and fun and i think i should use it more often with my tarot cards!
    I draw a king of swords card from my Druidcraft tarot deck and the first thing i noticed was sunrise under the clouds in the background of the card. And for me, that simbolises the new, positive beginnings in my life and i’m really opening a new list in my life and i’ve started to using affirmations. And as far as i can understand this really goes well with simbol that attracted me on this card.

    I really hope that you will post more fun tarot exercises in the future!

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