Tarot Reading for Jan 15 – 21

Here is your weekly Tarot forecast! I am using The Cook’s Tarot by Judith Mackay Stirt….

Have a beautiful week šŸ™‚

9 thoughts on “Tarot Reading for Jan 15 – 21”

  1. Great reading as usual.love your commentary and thought process
    1. Ten of swords; your cheat sheet: feeling defeated, self sabotage; i think also get rid of the baggage, or the issue you were having, what’s done is done. move on.
    2. Three of Pentacles; cheat sheet Meaningful work, enjoying ones work suitable career; go on to something more fulfilling, learn something new, the person taking down notes maybe noting something he can use to use in the future
    3.The hermit_meditation, solitude, retreat. Here i think, look at, and take time out to think about what has happened , what can u, learn from it before making a final decision

  2. Wow Kate. All three cards designated with me. I just wrote in my journal no fb starting tomorrow and more
    Work on my studies with the Gene Keys and this one blew me away, bc my plans for the weekend are to contemplate and just go within. Thank you. Iā€™m wowed

  3. Hello Kate!

    This reading has a lot of meaning for me as I embark on the week ahead so thank you so much!

    For me, I can’t take my eyes off the lighter coloured area in the centre of the central card, the 3 of Pentacles! It looks like an arrow, encouraging us to move forwards after deciding which of our thoughts, behaviours, habits and so on we’re going to “throw out” at the beginning of the week. I also love the way the point of the arrow falls right over the chap’s heart – finding our true calling and working hard at it makes our hearts sing!

  4. One thing that jumped out at me on the Three of Pentacles was the spinner with the paper orders clipped to it in the upper left corner. No matter how many times we make something, there are always more to be made. We can continually improve on what we are doing because we are always given another chance to do it. Keep being creative.

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