What the Tarot Says About Your Age!

Last night I was lying in bed unable to fall asleep (typical!) and I started thinking about my age. I recently turned 37.

At first I thought I’m thirty seven already! Mygodwhathaveidonewithmylife?

Then I thought when I’m 80 I’ll look back and think it’s dumb that I worried about being an underachiever at age 37.

Then I thought I probably won’t make it to 80 because of chemicals and stuff.

Then I decided to stop thinking and just add up the numbers in my age because doing simple math in my head at 2am calms me down.

Housewives Tarot

So when I added up the numbers in my present age I got number 10. Then I started thinking about all the 10’s in Tarot – 10 of Pentacles (yay!), 10 of Swords (shit!), 10 of Cups (awww!), 10 of Wands (ugh!) and then finally the Wheel of Fortune.

My theory is that these cards predict the kind of experiences, opportunities and challenges that will present themselves in my 37th year.

How do I know this? Because when I added up last years age (36), I got number 9…. 9 of Pentacles, 9 of Swords, 9 of Cups, 9 of Wands and The Hermit all accurately summed up my past year and the things I’ve experienced.

I won’t bore you with the details. You’re welcome! But it was enlightening and gave me something to ponder as I lay in bed.

So give it a go. Add up the numbers in your age and study the Tarot cards that correspond with that number. You should have one Major Arcana and four Minors.

Here’s a worksheet to get you started!

download worksheet

*If your age adds up to 10, like mine does (37 = 3 + 7 = 10) study all the 10's in your Tarot deck AND all the 1's. Because 10, when broken down, adds up to 1 - which means this year will be a big one for you! Not only will you be completing things (10 represents completion) but you'll be starting new things (as 1 represents new beginnings).

I want to know...what number does your age add up to? Do you see some parallels between the Tarot card of that number and your current life events? Share if you want to! πŸ™‚

22 thoughts on “What the Tarot Says About Your Age!”

  1. Hi Kate,

    Wanted to thank you for sharing your time and knowledge with a newbee. You are truly appreciated.

  2. This was quite an interesting exercise. At first, I thought my number was 14 (Temperance), but then I realized I had to reduce it down and got five. It surely does feel like this year has been extremely 5 oriented. Though I also have come up with a few other meanings for some of the suits. I found a very interesting progression in the suits, actually. I have more to look at with what has come up. If I’m thinking correctly, next year will be The Lovers. Can’t wait! As always, Kate, thank you for the guidance you bring to us.

  3. I’m 6…(just turned 60 on the 9th).
    Haven’t looked up the cards yet…6 of pentacles is charity? I don’t have a crying dime and have a ton of bills coming before then end of the year…maybe its charity to myself?

  4. Hi Kate, I just turned 47. A funny note. Means we’re 10 yrs apart. Lol. When I add my numbers i of course get an 11 but when broken down is a (1+1) “2.” I will definitely be paying attention to the #2 cards and what they represent for me. Thank you for always sharing more insightful ways to use tarot. I love your blog and you! ????

  5. Hi Kate. Love all the ways you help me with tarot and new and different ways to use the cards. I’m 47 which = an 11. When broken down its a 2. I will definitely be paying attention to the “2.” Thank you for all the humor and insight you add to your blog . ????

  6. Interestingly, I’m a 10/1 year too! I’ll see how I feel when I look at the 10s, the Aces, and the Magician and Wheel….thanks for sharing your gifts and insights!

  7. Hi, Kate. You seem to always come up with some insightful tarot exercises mixed with a huge dollop of humor. I’m having a nine year and I’m also asking myself what have I accomplished? I think for me, I am looking at how I use time on a daily basis. How much time do I waste watching tv? How much time do I waste sitting in front of a computer? I think it’s a matter of consciously focusing on things that I want to accomplish such as finishing that cross stitch project or weeding through my closet and donating items. The 9 of Wands sums it up for me: Demonstrating great strength in going through a lot of challenging experiences, but ready to move forward with a sense of direction and purpose. Thank you for the wonderful tarot exercise. πŸ™‚

    1. Josie, your questions are perfect – and that’s exactly the kind of questions I’ve been asking myself lately too and trying to be more deliberate with my time/energy. Glad you enjoyed this exercise πŸ™‚

  8. Hi Kate! We’re the same age, and I think this is an awesome way to look at the tarot. Since we’re 10’s (lol, that’s right, we’re a 10!) would we also consider The Fool? I feel like he should be in the mix too.

  9. Susan Manwill Norcutt

    Wow I needed this was up until 1 last night and I am 64 there’s that 10. Thank you helps me understand.

  10. Hi Kate, just had a birthday and my age adds up to 10 as well. This is a great little exercise! I’ll be looking at the 10s and 1s closely this year. And btw, I think you’ve accomplished quite a bit. Of course, we are all our own worst judges πŸ™‚ Take care!

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