December 2016

Veronica’s tip for making resolutions stick

Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that’s perfect for lazy winter afternoons. While some people are helping the homeless this holiday season, Veronica is buying herself sex toys and eating caramels for breakfast…can you believe it?!

Linestrider Tarot

So it’s New Year’s eve eve today and you’re probably thinking up some ridiculously un-fun resolutions.

Like losing weight, saving money or being less slutty.

Don’t. Just don’t.

Instead, make a resolution to meet your inner alter ego and buy my new workbook Your Alter Ego Revealed!

If that’s not a dead-sexy New Years resolution, then I don’t know what is!

But here’s the thing with resolutions: don’t resolve to do something that you don’t actually want to do.

Too many twits make resolutions because they want the results of those resolutions.

Like getting up at 6am every morning to run five miles and drink a kale smoothie. Sure, you might look slightly hotter after a year of doing this, but you will also have just spent a year getting up at 6am to do unpleasant things.

Make the journey as pleasurable as the destination and you’ll be cooking with gas!

Okay, so that said, here’s my 2017 resolutions…

  1. Make time to nap every day. Every single day.
  2. Drink more red wine (for the antioxidants, obviously).
  3. Spend less time on celebrity gossip sites and more time painting scandalous ladies!

What are YOUR 2017 resolutions? Tell me now……

Veronica’s tip for making resolutions stick Read More »

2017 Tarot Forecast!

2017 is almost here and I’ve been looking forward to doing my annual New Years Tarot reading!

Now is the perfect time to figure out what things you want to do in 2017 – where do you want to go? What do you want to create? What do you want to STOP doing? What new things do you want to try?

I love working with this planner around this time of year because it helps me get things in perspective.

I’ve created a brand new New Years Tarot Spread for this year and I’ve included it at the bottom of this post so you can try it out for yourself. Enjoy…

New Years Tarot Card Spread

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As always, I invite you to share your own ideas and interpretations of the cards in this reading....

Happy New Year and I hope your 2017 will be filled with love, adventure, laughter, pleasure and good times!

The Daily Tarot Girl

2017 Tarot Forecast! Read More »

Tarot Reading for Dec 26 – Jan 1st

Merry Christmas!!!! I hope you are too busy stuffing your face and rolling around in presents to read this…but if not, here is your Tarot forecast for the week ahead, using the New Palladini Tarot.

Stay tuned for my 2017 forecast reading – I should be posting it in the next few days or so 🙂 I haven’t decided what deck I should use for it, so if you have any requests, please let me know in the comments below 🙂


Tarot Reading for Dec 26 – Jan 1st Read More »

Spending Christmas alone? I envy you.

Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that’s perfect for lazy winter afternoons.

The Housewives Tarot

Christmas is upon us… so batten down the hatches and pour yourself a stiff one!

For some this is a time of giving, generosity and helping the needy.

For others it’s a time of buying oneself lavish gifts and rolling around naked in a sea of bubble wrap. Or maybe that’s just me?

But for most people, this holiday is about boring visits with in-laws and distant relatives you don’t give a shit about. Well, at least you can get drunk.

A few years ago I spent Christmas alone. I slept in, ate a box of chocolate seashells for breakfast, watched 21 Jump Street and did go-go dance aerobics dvds. It was the perfect day.

So if you’re spending Christmas alone this weekend, don’t fall prey to all those sappy do-gooders who invite you to their Christmas dinner out of pity. Bleh! You know what to do…

Spending Christmas alone? I envy you. Read More »

Veronica’s homemade gift guide

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International Woman of Leisure by day, whipcracking Tarot Reader by night! Veronica is my evil twin and she’s here to give you some practical gift giving tips, while coming off as incredibly shallow and

ace of wands robin wood
Robin Wood Tarot

So today’s Tarot card is Ace of Wands – take a gooood look at it….

And instead of writing about dicks, I’m going to talk about crafts. That’s right – crafts.

The Ace of Wands is all about getting inspired and creating stuff. So get your ass down to your local craft shop, like right this f*cking minute.

I love shopping at Micheals because I am always the sexiest person in there…and that’s not saying much.


This Christmas don’t go to the shitty mall to buy gifts – that place sucks. Make your own. Be self sufficient for once.

Here is my ultimate homemade Christmas gift list – for ALL the nimwits on your list this year:

The Stressed out Mom or Workaholic

Everyone knows someone who gives too much or works too much and never relaxes. It’s an illness. This person needs aromatherapy bath salts. Will they actually take some time out for a hot bath and use these? No. But that’s their fucking problem.


Ingredients: Epsom Salts (Costco has huge containers of this really cheap), essential oils of choice, glass mason jars, ribbons and that kind of shit.

  1. fill a large bowl with salts, add essential oils and mix. I usually just freestyle it, but you can probably find exact recipes online. Figure it out.
  2. Put smelly salts into mason jars and decorate with ribbons and bows. Voila!

Your Boss

Let’s be honest – your micromanaging boss probably doesn’t even deserve a gift from you this year. So have fun with this and make him an expressive collage painting.

Cut out pics of tampons and celebs from magazines and crazy personal ads in the back of the paper and paste them onto a piece of cardboard along with bits of  fabric and colored papers. Smear some paint around it and insist he hang it in his office.

This gift works great for inlaws, too.

The Cool Person in your life

It could be a lover, a best friend or even yourself. This person deserves something edgy and unique, something that NO ONE ELSE will ever buy them.

They deserve the Veronica Noir workbook Your Alter Ego Revealed!

Packed with funsheets, quizzes and delightful drawings of cats, feather boas, cupcakes and of course me, Veronica! Part coloring book, part playbook, part journal, this will make the perfect gift for anyone on your list who isn’t a major douche.

*Update: this workbook is no longer available (sorry!)


Who doesn’t like to stuff their faces with tasty treats? Well, anorexics and health freaks – so give them the bath salts.

A tin of homemade cookies is a classic gift. Use GMO flour and refined sugar for the people you secretly hate but still need to give a gift to for social reasons.

And if you’re really lazy, just stuff the tins with storebought cookies. Fuck it.

Veronica’s homemade gift guide Read More »

The dark side of clearing clutter

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Veronica Noir is my alter ego – a sexier, bitchier, more daring version of myself. On Fridays I give this tramp free reign over my blog. Let’s see what raunchy advice she’s cooked up for us today….

Self Card Cards by Cheryl Richardson

Just when you are deep in the throes of Christmas shopping and accumulating even more crap you don’t need, this card pops up and says “let go, clear the clutter”

But before you go on an inspired rampage throwing out your boring clothes and all the stupid candle holders and Jillian Michaels DVDs and shit, stop and think for a sec….

How did you end up with all this lame stuff in the first place?

If you’re one of those people who eats junk all year and then goes on a “cleanse” in January, listen up.

How about just stop putting crap in your body? Stop buying stuff you don’t really need! Then you won’t need to clear clutter or cleanse. I mean jeeeeeez!

Okay, now I’m off to the interwebs to buy myself a rotating star projector , at least three blonde wigs and a bunch of sex books.

The dark side of clearing clutter Read More »

Bad advice, as usual…or is it?

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Veronica is a free spirited tramp who loves to eavesdrop in coffee shops, lead young men astray and of course…read Tarot! Since she’s my evil twin/alter ego, I let her spew her mystical ramblings every Friday on my blog…

five of wands tarot card
Tarot of the Pagan Cats

The Tarot card of the day is the Five of Wands – a card that foretells arguing, scuffles and petty competition. Fun stuff!

An argument may break out in the work lunchroom today…enjoy it!

Someone may try to one up you by trying to do something way better than you can. Let them huff and puff, who gives a shit.

Your lover may be extra quarrelsome with you this weekend – channel all that energy into hot sex and you’re good to go!

My point is this – don’t try to smooth things over like you usually do. Don’t try to be the whiny voice of reason. You’ll miss out on all the fun.

Instead, be an observer. So sit back and enjoy the shitshow!

Bad advice, as usual…or is it? Read More »