ace of wands tarot card

Ace of Wands ~ The Most Erect Card in the Tarot!

ace of wands robin wood
Robin Wood Tarot

In all its phallic radiance, the Ace of Wands graces us with it’s presence today! I daresay those sunflowers look suspiciously testicular.

Moving on….

New beginnings! Fresh ideas! Planting seeds of awesomeness!

Today is a great day to fertilize your dreams and start taking those first steps toward making it happen.

Write your bright ideas down and make plans to carry them out. Not all of them will grow into greatness, but one of them just might.

Sexy times are in the air today! Fertility is raging. So if you don’t want to ruin your life with children, take precautions. Otherwise, have a field day!

In the comments below, tell me what “new beginning” you are most looking forward to in your life?


Today’s reading was a guest post by Veronica Noir, a lover of Tarot, writer of erotic fiction and The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. 

Ace of Wands ~ The Most Erect Card in the Tarot! Read More »

Ace of Wands! ~ Paulina Tarot Card for Wednesday

paulina tarot ace of wands
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

Today is the perfect time to study or explore something that interests you!  Read a book that calls to you, sign up for that night-course that intrigues you, or take a new route on your walk today. Shake up your regular routine by doing something new, fresh and interesting.

The owl in this card suggests that your true wisdom can be accessed when you fully engage yourself in what you love to do. Particularly when you are feeling playful and joyous. We often think that “wisdom” and “playfulness” don’t really go together, but here in this Ace of Wands, they do!

You are on the cusp of a new beginning and about to come into your own wisdom and see things with a fresh set of eyes. This whimsical Paulina Tarot card reminds you to keep an open mind and a playful attitude!

Ace of Wands! ~ Paulina Tarot Card for Wednesday Read More »