death tarot card meaning

Transform yourself….without all the hard work!

International Woman of Leisure by day, whipcracking Tarot Reader by night! Veronica is my evil twin and she took a quick break from eating bon bons to write you this tidbit of tasty advice….so take it!


Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Everyone wants “transformation”!

If you’ve ever been to a website about weight loss, new agey stuff, spiritual stuff or life coaching, you will see the word “transformation” splattered all over it, like seagull crap on a pier.

But what IS “transformation”? Simple answer: DEATH!

Oh, so you want to “transform” your life? No, you want your old self to die.

Do you want to “transform” your thinking? No, you want to murder your negative thoughts.

So why does everyone go around saying “blah blah blah, transformational, blah blah, bullshit, bullshit, blab”?

Because Death is the low effort option, whereas Transformation sounds like a lot of exhausting, hard work, which most average dumbfucks looooove. Or at least love to talk about.

So this weekend, ask yourself: “what old habits would l like to lay to rest?”

OR “what part of my life would l like to have a mini funeral for?”

OR “what aspects of myself would l like to violently shank to death and then forcibly reincarnate as something entirely different?” oh, wait, that sounds more like “transformation”. Nevermind!

Transform yourself….without all the hard work! Read More »

A Pivotal Point on Your Journey ~ Death (Tuesday)

death tarot card
Anna K Tarot

Death beckons you today, urging you to give something up, to let go and enter a new phase of your life.

Some endings are easy and you have no problem saying good riddance!, but some endings are difficult and you want to hold on forever and ever.

Whichever type of “ending” you are dealing with right now, know that it is appropriate for this stage on your path – its a juncture that you must cross if you want to keep going.

This angel of death seems to be saying “its okay, don’t be afraid” as he urges you forward. Whatever it is that you are releasing right now, its a pivotal part of your journey.

A Pivotal Point on Your Journey ~ Death (Tuesday) Read More »

Death ~ Tarot Card for Monday

death tarot card
Crystal Visions Tarot

The Death card comes to us to remind us that each day we are reborn and a part of us dies and is left behind. We are never the same person today as we were yesterday and tomorrow we will be different yet again.

If you ever find yourself lamenting “nothing ever changes!”, think again – death/change is constant, which can feel both exhausting and liberating.

Another way to think of Death is as a transformation, which is nicely represented by all the butterflies in this card. Each day we have the opportunity to transform ourselves, a situation or our beliefs….so what do you want to transform today?


Death ~ Tarot Card for Monday Read More »

Death Tarot Card ~ Tarot Reading for Friday

druidcraft tarot death card
Druidcraft Tarot by Will Worthington and Phillip & Stephanie Carr-Gomm

The Death Tarot card is here to let you know that its time you finally put something to rest. Whatever it is, it is important that you deal with it and don’t leave anything unresolved or it could haunt you later on.

Celebrate the ending, let go and then move onward. This could refer to anything that you need to let go of – an old habit, a repetitive worry or thought, a relationship, job, or even a feeling like anger, sadness or fear.

The Death Tarot card is all about fully letting go and this can only happen if you fully examine and resolve what you need to let go of. Don’t be tempted to sweep your feelings under the rug today – look them in the eye – face your fears and then release them for good!

Check out my Tarot spread: Embracing Change to help get a better idea of what you need to let go of.



Death Tarot Card ~ Tarot Reading for Friday Read More »