Bust a Move! 8 of Wands Gives you the Green Light (Monday)

8 of wands
Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

Today it’s time to bust a move out of that snail shell you’ve been hiding in and pick up the pace!

The Eight of Wands is all about things happening quickly and events unfolding at record speed. Today is not the time to go within and slow down – instead, burst forth and rocket forward!

If you have a to-do list a mile long that you’ve been neglecting, choose the things on there that scare you the most (or that make you feel uncomfortable) and do those first.

Don’t wait for things to speed up, take charge of the situation and move yourself forward – doing anything else will leave you feeling antsy and restless.

In the comments below, tell me one thing you are going to do today to move yourself closer to a big goal you have…

Bust a Move! 8 of Wands Gives you the Green Light (Monday) Read More ยป