four of pentacles

Start wasting people’s time!

veronica 2

Tsk, tsk! My evil alter ego Veronica has slept in again and is only getting around to writing this NOW – at noon on a friday! This better be good….

four of pents
The Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson

Time is precious – especially yours. Yet corporations, governments and individual assholes constantly waste it.

I’m talking about complicated recycling rules, being put on hold and having to select bullshit options from a confusing robotic telephone menu, spam emails and of course…..telemarketers and scam callers.

The time has come to take back your power and start fucking with the system. Next time a telemarketer calls you, keep them on the line. Ask inane questions, pretend to be fascinated and if they sounds sexy, flirt a little – just see where it goes.

If a company pisses you off and wastes your time DO NOT get all huffy and threaten to withdraw your business – that’s classic whiny bitch stuff that doesn’t scare anyone. Remain a kind, polite client but become needy. Start asking for discounts and special perks – relax and have fun with it and see what happens.

If someone starts wasting your time but you turn it around and start wasting theirs, do you somehow get back your own precious time that’s been wasted? No. But you’ll be having way more fun!

And time spent enjoying oneself in nefarious ways is time well spent, indeed!

Here’s a great video that inspired me to write this post:




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Four of Pentacles: Time to bust out of your comfort zone!

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir, The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil counterpart, is here to kick some sense into you with her uncompassionate style of Tarot reading. She usually writes these half-drunk, so take her advice with a grain of salt…or a tablespoon!

the miser
Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s card is 4 of Pentacles and the message is clear: magic doesn’t happen in the comfort zone.

Yes, I know, the comfort zone is awesome. I love it too.

There is nothing I love more than snuggling on my couch, sipping spiked hot chocolate and watching The Vampire Diaries or some other silly show.

But does it make me feel ALIVE? No. Fuck no.

We all need to rest and recharge, I get it. That’s what the comfort zone is for. But don’t stay there forever – you weren’t meant to, for God’s sake!

It’s time for you to bust out from behind your wall and share your sparkly goodies with the world.

You hide yourself out of fear, you modest thing, you! But once you step out of your comfort zone, something amazing happens….your comfort zone gets bigger and bigger and bigger…..

Until suddenly you’re doing nude yoga at your local park and feeling totally cool with it.

In the comments below, tell me how you plan to step out of your comfort zone this weekend…

psychic self

Four of Pentacles: Time to bust out of your comfort zone! Read More »

Four of Pents – Don’t Hoard Your Goodies!

fridays with veronicaVeronica is the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She spends her days eating bon bons, writing smut, and prowling around the neighborhood for younger men. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

four of pentacles
Housewives Tarot

Are you saving the fine china for “guests”? Are your lamp shades covered in plastic? Do you have protective coverings on your car seats? Well, knock it off! That’s totally lame!

The Four of Pentacles suggests you just may be hoarding the best parts of yourself for later. But there is no later! There is only NOW!

Of course, you are feeling all delicate about really busting loose and putting yourself out there. Just look at the face of that woman/cabinet. She is thinking “oh no, not the good china! It may get chipped or broken.”

Don’t be such a wimp. You have shiny, awesome things inside you – not literally, but metaphorically. Unless you’ve been eating jewelery. So share the best parts of yourself with others and don’t hold back.

And while your at it, take the plastic off your lampshades because it makes your living room look like Sears!

Four of Pents – Don’t Hoard Your Goodies! Read More »

Four of Pentacles – Stop Keeping Your Greatness to Yourself! (Thursday)

The following reading is by Veronica Noir…

4 pentacles
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

What are you holding onto so tightly? The Four of Pentacles is here to say loosen your grip already and don’t be so stingy, you cheapskate!

This isn’t so much about money as it is about talent and unique gifts. If you hoard your skills and amazing-ness and don’t share it with the world out of fear, then what the f*ck are you here for?

You are not here to follow orders or do what everyone else is doing, so do some deep diving and figure out what it is you are afraid of exactly?

When you think about speaking your truth, doing what you want and expressing your talents, what fears pop up for you? Write them down and ponder the shit out of them! They are what stand between you and a life of passion and fireworks.

Today’s reading is a guest post by the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin Veronica Noir – lover of Tarot, cats and men in their early 20’s. Veronica spends her days sipping Vanilla-Raspberry Rooibos tea, writing erotic fiction and creating subversive artwork.

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Four of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card, the Four of Pentacles, suggests you are grasping your money tightly. Its tax time, so this makes sense! You may be feeling the pinch…but this card suggests lightening up a little 🙂

The pixie in this Four of Pentacles card is above a pile of golden coins suggesting she is much richer than she feels. This is an important thing to remember: poverty (and abundance) is a state of mind.

If you are feeling broke or anxious about money, try to shift your energy from poverty to abundance. You can do this by trying something out of the ordinary…..

If you normally spend sensibly, buy yourself something luxurious and extravagant (like fancy soap or that overpriced coconut milk ice cream at the health food store). If you are a little out of control with spending money, see if you can start saving a little change each and every day.

This will help you feel more abundant, which will in turn help you attract more abundance into your life.

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