free oracle card reading

Oracle Card Reading for the Week Ahead

This week is the perfect time for doing some deep contemplating about how you can create more joy in your life, what your “message to the world” is and how you can beautify your surroundings.

The two major questions to ask yourself this week are:
1) How can I make more room for fun this week? (Hint: ditch boring social engagements)

2) If you had 1 min to speak to a crowd of 1,000 people (1,000 attentive people, who are listening to every word you say and not jerking around on their iphones), what would you say? What message would you deliver?

Bonus question: How could you deliver this message another way? For example, through painting or writing. And how could you make the delivering of this message FUN and joyful?

Feel free to share in the comments below!!!!

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Breaking Free ~ Oracle Card for Monday :)

fairy oracle card Today’s oracle card message is “Breaking Free”  from Healing with the Fairies Oracle Cards. Have some fun today seeing what kinds of boring, unhelpful things you can break free from.

Perhaps there is something big you are longing to break free from – like your job or a dead-end relationship. Or maybe its negative, fear-based thinking that you would like to be free of. Or even a boring social event that you feel you “should” attend.

Whatever it is, know that you can break free from it in a way that’s classy, safe and liberating! Get creative and see what you can come up with. And most importantly, focus on feeling that feeling that you know you will have once you are free of the burden in question. In the comment section below, feel free to share what you long to break free from…

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Goddess Guidance Oracle Card for Tuesday ~ Kali

Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Goddess Kali comes to us in today’s goddess guidance oracle reading with the theme of endings and beginnings. Her message is: “The old must be released so that the new can enter.”

A cycle or phase in your life is coming to an end and it is time to start something new and embrace the change. It is normal to fear change, but Kali suggests that you relish the chaos – after all, true freedom means constant change! When nothing changes, we become stagnant and stuck.

Today’s goddess guidance oracle also reminds us that working with the cycles of the moon is a powerful way to work with change and not against it. As the moon waxes, focus on what you would like to bring into your life and as it wanes, focus on what you would like to let go of or get rid of. Kali reminds us that we are always in a state of transformation – forever changing, forever growing….


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Oracle Card Reading for Friday ~ Self-Worth

guidance dogs oracle cards
Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards by Kirsten Laulainen

Today’s oracle card reading is all about self-worth, appropriately represented by the Poodle! Do whatever you need to do today to feel good about yourself. This could include some kind of physical pampering, like a trip to the spa, or something deeper.

Taking care of your body involves having a deep respect and reverence for it. Grooming rituals can often be a good time to think about your body in a way that is caring and loving.

Treat yourself to a hot bath today, and put herbs like lavender and sage under the hot running water. Or paint your toenails a crazy colour. Of course, establishing a strong sense of self-worth is about more than just hot baths and nice toenails and today is a good time to reflect on your self-worth…

You can be most acutely aware of how high your sense of self-worth is when you are criticized by others. Think back to the last time someone criticized you. Did you feel personally attacked? Did you feel diminished and crushed or were you able to brush it off? Today’s oracle card reading reminds you that it’s natural to be effected by others behavior and attitudes, but that true self-worth is independent of others opinions.





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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Sat & Sun ~ Positve Change

ascended masters oracle cards by doreen virtue
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The Goddess Paravati appears to us this weekend bringing us the message of “Positive Change”.

This daily oracle card reading is an indicator that positive change is occurring in your life right now. Change is always happening, but right now it is for the better, even if it may not be that obvious right now.

If you don’t feel like this is accurate for you at the moment, this card is reminding you that you have the power to make positive change. You don’t have to sit around and wait for the world around you to change – you can change, anytime you want to!

Ask yourself: If I could change ONE thing about my life right now, what would it be? What can I do TODAY that will help me in making this change?

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Daily Oracle Card Reading for Monday ~ Milky Way

Milky Way Earth Magic Oracle
Earth Magic Oracle Cards by Steven D. Farmer

The message of today’s card is to step back and look at things from a larger perspective.

When you look up at the night sky and see how huge the universe is, it is hard not to feel insignificant. But I feel that what this card is saying is you should not feel insignificant, but your problems should.

Tonight, look up at the stars above you (unless you live in a perpetually cloudy place, like me!) and feel the relief that comes with realizing how unimportant your problems are in the greater scheme of things.

The message I got when meditating on this card was this: everything is temporary, in constant flux, and we are all connected. Things are constantly being created and destroyed, but we are all one, all the time. We all have an important role to play. We are all a divine piece of this universe. The more aligned we are with the present moment, the more high quality our work will be.

Have a beautiful Monday!


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