high priestess tarot card

Tarot in the Kitchen: Fermenting with the High Priestess


Blending food and Tarot, this blog series takes a look at each Major Arcana and asks the question “what would this card be like in the kitchen and what food would they make?”

mystic meg tarot
Mystic Meg Tarot

The High Priestess is mysterious, powerful and wise. In the kitchen she gravitates toward making things that not just any joe schmo could make.

Like fermented foods!

Fermentation has a fascinating, internal process – also known as rotting – that transforms ordinary food like cabbage into complex and sophisticated condiments like sauerkraut and kimchi.

Intuition, dreams, the unconscious – these are the realms of the High Priestess and she guides you on making this trip down into your underworld, to meet with your inner knowing.

And just as the human psyche has much bubbling and brewing underneath it, fermentation is a process during which food just appears to sit there and do nothing, yet wild microbes and bacteria are doing all kinds of crazy shit!

Can’t you just imagine the High Priestess’s kitchen? It would be filled with bottles of herbal tinctures and jars of fermenting foods – secret recipes that have been passed down through the generations.

So here is my absolute favorite fermented foods recipe:

Fermented Lemons!

5-7 organic lemons
2.5 Tbsp sea salt (either coarse or fine – but if you use fine, you can use a bit less)

1. Halve 5 lemons and juice them, pouring juice in a medium sized mason jar or large sized jam jar. Add 1 Tbsp of salt to lemon juice and stir to dissolve.

2. Cut each lemon halve into four pieces. Place some of the lemon bits into the jar and add some more salt, then add more pieces and more salt until all the lemon bits are in the jar and there’s no salt left. Place a heavy rock or paper weight in the jar to press the lemons below the liquid. If there isn’t enough liquid to do this, juice the other two lemons and add that.

3. loosely screw the lid on – you don’t want it airtight though! Sit it on your counter and let it ferment for about 3-4 weeks. Mold may grow on the top, but don’t get all squeamish – just skim it off and get on with life.

4. After 3 or 4 weeks, taste a bit of lemon. It should taste like lemon preserves but without the sweetness. Like candied lemons that are salty instead of sweet. If they still taste more like raw lemons and not magical enough, let them sit a few more days. But if they are satisfactory to you, transfer them to the fridge where they will probably keep for a very long time.

But what the f*ck am I going to do with fermented lemons? I hear you whine. Put them in tabbouleh salads, pasta salads, moroccan Tagines or even tomato-based pasta sauces and soups! I sometimes put a bit of fermented lemon on goat cheese and crackers or skewer a bit of lemon along with a green olive and dunk it in my kombucha or Ceasar. The sky’s the limit!

Oh, and if you have sugar cravings, just a bit of fermented lemon will kill it. You’re welcome 😉

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The High Priestess ~ Go Within Today!

the high priestess
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The High Priestess of the Paulina Tarot comes to you today in all her mysterious femininity, reminding you of your own power and mystique.

Her body is made up of eyes, suggesting you look inward at what is inside you. Don’t be overly concerned with what’s going on outside of you today. Since the outer is a reflection of the inner state, go within.

That is the secret that this Mona-Lisa-esque High Priestess is here to tell you. Don’t overlook what’s happening within you. If you are at war with yourself, you will create battles in your daily life. If you feel emotionally blocked, your life will also feel “stuck” in many ways.

You are full of mysteries just waiting to be explored and practices like meditation, journalling, creative writing and yoga all help you do this. So carve out some “me-time” this week and rock out 😉

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The High Priestess ~ Tarot Card for Monday

high priestess
Hanson Roberts Tarot

You are stepping into this week with full intuitive powers! Your openness to receiving higher guidance will have a delicious effect on things today and for the next several days, as your inner High Priestess has grown and become strong.

Now is a time to use your wisdom and discernment in a subtle, yet powerful way. No one is going to try to push you around today…and if they do? Watch out! Your inner High Priestess is not as passive and gentle as she appears 😉

Guard your privacy today and don’t feel like you have to reveal everything to everyone. You can be open and clear in your dealings with others without giving away too much about yourself. Keep personal details to yourself – no one needs to know all that stuff! If you feel tempted to give a convoluted explanation to someone today – stop yourself and keep it simple.

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Higher Self ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

sirian starseed tarot cardToday I shuffled my Sirian Starseed Tarot deck and out jumped Higher Self (aka The High Priestess). This card’s message is that it is time to consult your Higher Self on an issue. Don’t delay! This will bring you a kind of clarity and comfort that you won’t find anywhere else.

Take a few minutes to quiet your mind and go within. Imagine there is an eternal, kind and wise being residing within you – ask this being any questions you may have and then wait patiently for a response. Write down any impressions, messages or feelings you get.

Also, pay special attention to your dreams right now, as your Higher Self will try to relay messages to you through symbols and emotions in your dreams. You might even want to ask your Higher Self to contact you during your dreams before going to sleep tonight.

Today is also a good day for discovering a new spiritual practice, book, website or CD that will help you get in closer contact with your Higher Self. Similarly, you may meet someone, such as a spiritual teacher or a friend who tells you about a class, that further propels you on your spiritual path.

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The High Priestess ~ Tarot Card for Friday!

high priestess tarot card meaningFriday’s Tarot card is The High Priestess and she is here to tell you to listen to your intuition today! Pay attention to the dreams you had last night and the ones you may have tonight.

Just as you have the ability to manifest what you need, you also have the ability to know what is really going on in your life. But first you need to get quiet so you can hear the whisperings of your inner voice.

Take some time today, even if its only a couple minutes, to sit alone in silence and focus completely on your breath. Sometimes, messages from our higher selves come in the form of physical sensations, so notice what physical feelings arise when you meditate. Instead of avoiding the feeling, go into it and ask it if it has a message for you. You will be surprised by how much insight you can get from doing this!

Today’s Affirmation: The voice of my inner wisdom is crystal clear today

This will be my last daily Tarot reading until Jan 2nd, 2013. I have decided to take a vacation from daily readings to allow myself extra time to relax over the holidays – but also to give myself more time to create more content for this website – like more Tarot spreads, tarot card meanings, stuff like that! I will also be doing free Tarot readings on my Facebook page throughout December – so come on over and “like” my page to get updates on the next reading time!

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