learn tarot

The Most Rebellious Way to Read Tarot….EVER!

Are you tired of reading Tarot in the same old, tired, boring way? Are you ready to kick things up a notch and read outside the box?

You know how you shuffle the deck and then randomly choose some cards? Scrap that!

There’s a new, cheeky way to read Tarot and I want you to give it a go. But first, some background….

The other night I was getting ready to give myself a Tarot reading and I thought “I hope I don’t get any shitty cards.”

I had just had a particularly uninspiring day and I wanted to perk myself up.

Then an epiphany slammed into my brain!

What if I just chose the cards I wanted?

So I did.

I picked the three cards I really, really wanted. The Empress, The Magician and the Ace of Cups.

tarot reading crystal visions
Crystal Visions Tarot

These cards symbolize the kind of energy I want to bring into my life – creativity, power, magic and fulfillment!

Okay – I want you to stop right now, get your Tarot deck and choose the 3 cards that you would just LOVE to get in a reading. Like your 3 favorite cards or the 3 cards that really sum up what you want to draw into your life right now.

Now, look at each card one by one and ask yourself these questions:

  1. How am I already like this card?
  2. What activities or things help me feel like this card?
  3. How would I like this card to show up in my life right now?
  4. What can I do – today- to create more of this in my life?
  5. Is there anything that might stop me from doing this and how will I overcome it?

Here is a little sample of how I did this exercise for the first card….

How am I already like this card?

When I looked at The Empress I reminded myself that I am creative (I like arts and crafts!) and I can be nurturing sometimes (like with my houseplants).

What activities or things help me feel like this card?

Painting helps me feel creative and relaxed, just like The Empress and spending time in the kitchen making tasty things feels very nurturing.

How would I like this card to show up in my life right now?

I would to be able to relax more and feel abundant, like everything is unfolding and happening in the way it needs to and all I need to do is hold the space for things to flourish, instead of feeling like I have to do, do, do, push, push, push.

What can I do – today –  to create more of this in my life?

Practice meditation! I always forget to do this. And make time to paint at least once a week.

Is there anything that might stop me from doing this and how will I overcome it?

I might tell myself that I don’t have time and there are other things that should take priority – like doing homework, working on creating my Tarot course or doing laundry. I will overcome this by writing my painting or meditation date into my calendar each week and then maybe inviting a friend to join me (so I can’t waffle and do laundry instead!)


Doing this exercise with your Tarot cards might actually create real change! This exercise isn’t for wimps, so don’t attempt this unless your ready to become a fearless, deep diving Tarot explorer 😉

Tying it together….

Now that you’ve drilled down each card individually, take a step back and look at these cards as a whole. Do you noticed any similarities between the cards? Any repeating symbols, colors, suits or numbers?

Repeating patterns are your subconscious’ way of getting your attention and communicating something super-secret and important to you!

For example, I notice that there are lots of wings in my three cards – butterflies, a dragonfly and birds. What do wings represent for me? Freedom!

So there is some message here about breaking free or feeling free – and if I choose to go deeper into the reading I can contemplate this a bit more and maybe journal about it. But I’m lazy right now, so I think I’ll just go watch Mad Men and eat a vanilla bean chocolate bar…..it’s from the health food store so it doesn’t count as junk food 😉

Share your results!

I’d love to hear from you!! Please feel free to share your cards and your epiphanies in the comments below….

The Most Rebellious Way to Read Tarot….EVER! Read More »

My 3 Favorite Tarot Card Spreads…

As I’m preparing for my upcoming webinar/online class on the Celtic Cross Tarot spread, I’ve been thinking a lot about spreads.

Tarot spreads I love, Tarot spreads that suck, and the spreads I come back to again and again like an old boyfriend.

So I thought I’d share my three favorites with you!


Celtic Cross Spread: Revamped

This is actually a spread I use quite a bit. It’s my own version of the Celtic Cross Tarot card spread. I wasn’t in love with the original Celtic Cross spread, so I switched some things up. For me reading with this spread feels like putting on a pair of old jeans – comfy and classic.

Celtic Cross Spread RevampedFor a full explanation of this spread, go here.


Self Love Spread

Don’t get too excited, it’s not as dirty as it sounds!
If you have my Tarot Card Spreads for Love, Sex & Relationships, you might recognize this one.

While this is an important Tarot spread for everyone to do, I haven’t done it in ages! Probably why I hate myself 🙁 Just kidding. But really, I need to remember to do this one at least once a year.

self love spreadGo here for the full description of this spread.


Connect with Your Spirit Guides & Angels Tarot Spread

Like the title suggests, this spread helps you connect to the more ethereal, divine side of your life. This spread is a really fun one and it’s fun to do this one when you’re trying to make a big decision or needing inspiration for a project or something…

connect with your spirit guide tarot spread

Go here for the full description of this Tarot card spread.

I hope you have a ball trying out these spreads and come join me on June 16th for my webinar on the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread 🙂

celtic cross banner 2What is your favorite, go-to Tarot spread?

let me know in the comments below….

My 3 Favorite Tarot Card Spreads… Read More »

Stop being polite and start giving unsolicited advice!

veronica 2Veronica is my evil twin/alter ego and she takes over my blog on Friday’s to impart her bitchy wisdom. When she isn’t Tarot reading, she’s seducing some buff young thing at the gym, penning sultry smut on her laptop and knocking back the martinis while laughing maniacally at some mediocre romantic comedy…

queen of coins
Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

Today’s Tarot card is the Queen of Coins (aka Queen of Pentacles) and she’s just trudged onto the scene to tell you “don’t be afraid to put your nose in other people’s business!”

We often think of the Queen of Coins as having nurturing qualities and being down to earth and good with money. But she’s got a dark side….

This Queen is also a nosy busy-body who likes to muscle in and let you know her opinion on every matter.

From the state of your barren uterus (when are you going to have children?!) to your choice in self help books (you should be reading Wayne Dyer not Osho!), she just can’t keep her crappy opinions to herself.

If you know someone like this, you probably can’t stand her. But admit it….you kind of want to act like her some days. I know you’re just dying to ask people inappropriate questions and then offer up your unsolicited advice. Well, my friend, today is the day to do just that!

Don’t censor yourself today.

Don’t tell yourself it’s none of my business.

Today, everything is your business and everyone needs to hear your advice.

Have fun 😉


Stop being polite and start giving unsolicited advice! Read More »

I should be participating? No thanks.

veronica 2Veronica is my evil twin sister who spends her days flirting with 20-year-old boys, suntanning topless on public beaches and saying NO to charities….she needs that money for martinis! Let’s see what evil advice she has for us today…

Osho Zen Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is Participation (aka Four of Wands).

When I was in elementary school, my teachers were always blathering on and on about “participation.” As in “Veronica, why aren’t you participating?”

Well, for starters I don’t participate in things that are stupid (like dodgeball) and I certainly don’t participate in things just because generic rule followers request it of me.

So take a look at your life today and notice what kinds of things you’re participating in. Do you enjoy it? Does it bring you satisfaction? Or are you doing it to appease someone?

For example, do you participate in donating to the charity of the week when you’re going through the checkout at Costco? Is it because you want to? Or is it because you’re worried that if you don’t, all those hot dog munchers behind you will think you’re a heartless bitch?

Participation is wonderful when it brings people together and diabolical when it forces you to just go through the motions for fear of being ostracized !

I should be participating? No thanks. Read More »

Why the Court Cards are so darn hard to read (and what you can do about it)

Several years ago I went to all girls dinner party where I didn’t know anybody except the host.

When I entered the kitchen I was horrified to see that nearly every girl there looked the same. They all had these Justin Bieber haircuts (circa 2009) and names like Kellie, Suzie and Tawnie.

So picture a roomful of women with hair like this:

Even worse, they all had similar, professional-type jobs and wore identical denim capri pants.

How was I going to tell them apart?

Upon my arrival, their laughter stopped and they immediately began murmuring quietly to each other, leading me to conclude that they all hated me and I was a complete failure at everything.

In retrospect, maybe I was just feeling really insecure that day.

After meeting each of them I promptly forgot all their names. But as the night progressed I got to know each of them a little better and realized that there were, in fact, some slight differences between them.

By the time I left they seemed like a bunch of individuals and not a mob of identical Bieber-haired Stepford wives.

So now you’re thinking well that’s nice, but what the f*&k does this have to do with Court Cards?

Here’s the deal: my theory is that the Court Cards are hard to learn and read because they all look so similar.

Almost every Tarot reader will tell you that the Court Cards can be a major pain in the ass. For years I felt this way – often crossing my fingers that I didn’t get a bloody Court Card!


Because when I taught myself Tarot, I never really got the Court Cards. Sure, I read all about them in my Tarot books, but I could never remember what they were supposed to mean and I always felt confused when one turned up in a reading.

But once you get to know the Court Cards (just like I got to know those Bieber beotches), they will start making sense.

Try this!

1. Choose a Court Card from your Tarot deck (for this exercise I am going to go with the Queen of Swords)

2. Get a general sense of what this card is all about. If you don’t know your Courts very well, look up the meaning in a book or google it.

3. Go deeper: think of your Court Card as an actual person and really get to know them.

*Download and print off this worksheet to get started.

Download worksheet!


Here's how I did this for the Queen of Swords....

Court Card: Queen of Swords

Personality keywords: smart, judgmental, clear headed, speaks her mind, confident

Favorite hobbies: reading intellectual books and making to-do lists

Best asset: clear communicator

Worst character flaw: judgmental and bitchy

Possible careers: professor, teacher, translator, speech writer

Blocks/challenges: being stuck in her head and thinking too much

Goals & dreams: to get a PhD and establish her career, write an instructional book of some sort

Biggest fear: having to work at Burger King to pay her bills OR having to sit through The Notebook again.

So now you can see that a memorable, distinct personality is emerging. Whereas before you may have thought of the Queen of Swords was just another boring, Queeny card. NOT SO! Please feel free to share your own card and responses in the comments below 🙂

Why the Court Cards are so darn hard to read (and what you can do about it) Read More »

How to Read the Same Tarot Card in Different Decks

Do Tarot card meanings differ depending on what deck you’re using?

Does The High Priestess in the Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot deck have the same meaning in The Druidcraft Tarot or the Shadowscapes Tarot?

Yes AND No!

Let me break it down for you and show you how to read Tarot like a pro – regardless of what Tarot deck you’re using…

When reading Tarot with different Tarot decks, keep these things in mind:

1) Each Tarot card has a basic meaning, which typically will not vary much from deck to deck. Think of this as the underlying structure of the card, like a blueprint for a building.

2) Each Tarot deck will depict the cards a bit differently. The underlying structure of the card remains the same, but the artistic differences are like interior decorating – they add a different twist to the basic structure/meaning.

3) Your initial interpretation of a Tarot card will remain very similar, regardless of what deck you’re using – but how you elaborate on that meaning will differ, depending on what images and symbols appear on the card.

Good luck & happy Tarot reading!

How to Read the Same Tarot Card in Different Decks Read More »

Happy New Year! 2015 Tarot Forecast Reading

Happy New Year! I am really looking forward to 2015! I was actually feeling a bit blah about it until I did this reading…and it’s given me some hope and inspiration! So I hope it does the same for you 🙂

If you would like to see the spread I used, its right here.
Please feel free to add your own interpretation of this reading in the comments below…


Please sign up for my FREE webinar Getting Started with Tarot.
It’s free, fun and NOT JUST FOR BEGINNERS – all levels will enjoy it, I promise!
Everyone who signs up gets a replay, so don’t fret if you can’t make the live date 🙂

get on the webinar

Happy New Year! 2015 Tarot Forecast Reading Read More »

My 4 Favorite Blog Posts of 2014

As 2014 comes to a close, I have been doing something weird….reading my own blog posts  (and enjoying them!)

So I decided to round up my top 4 favorite Tarot articles and share them with you. These are the articles I had the most fun writing, so I hope you have just as much fun reading them 🙂

Should Tarot Readers Charge for Their “Gift”?


This post generated the most discussion and comments…

There is something that I occasionally hear people say that drives me batshit crazy. It is this: “I don’t charge for giving readings because being able to read is a gift so therefore I would never charge someone for it.”
Ummm….what the f*ck?!

Read more..

What Your “Higher Self” REALLY Wants You to Know (it may surprise you!)


Here is one of my favorite things to do with my Tarot cards…

Do you ever wonder what your “higher self” is trying to tell you? Well guess what? Messing around with your Tarot cards is one of the best ways to find out!
Here’s a simple script to help you communicate with your higher self via your Tarot cards.

Read more…


How to See YOUR Life in the Cards

the lovers
Housewives Tarot

This post was so much fun to write, as I got to take a trip down memory lane…

Let’s get personal. Did you know that each card in your Tarot deck symbolizes a particular event, person, place or thing in your life?
This is my simple, 3 step process for connecting to your Tarot deck and your life.

Read more…


The Tarot Court Cards….in bed! Part 3: The Knights

knight of pents
Crystal Visions Tarot

Writing this series has been the most fun of all, even if hardly anyone comments on these posts (I know your reading them. Google analytics doesn’t lie!). Warning: my evil twin Veronica helped me with this one…

The Knights are my FAVORITE court cards to hop into bed with! Why? Because they are essentially alpha males in training. They have all the vigor and sexual energy required of a hero in a steamy romance novel, but lack the overbearing bossiness of the Kings.

Read More…

My 4 Favorite Blog Posts of 2014 Read More »

Interview with Tarot Author Benebell Wen

Join me as I chat with Benebell Wen, Tarot Master and author of the upcoming book Holistic Tarot.

We discuss a variety of Tarot topics including:

The different ways to learn Tarot

Advice for Tarot newbies

The 3 main Tarot traditions – Rider-Waite-Smith, Marseilles and Thoth

  Some of the big Tarot misconceptions

and more….

Find out more about Benebell and her work at benebellwen.com

Order your copy of Holistic Tarot right here.

Interview with Tarot Author Benebell Wen Read More »

3 Ways to do a Reading Without Tarot cards

There are times in life when doing a Tarot reading may be inconvenient or impossible.

For example, you’re on a camping trip with your uber-religious family who shuns Tarot and all other fun things. Or you’re bored shitless waiting in the dentist’s office but you don’t have your deck with you. Or you’re just totally pissed off at your Tarot deck and don’t want to consult it today….

Here are some fun and inventive ways to flex your intuitive reading muscles without your usual deck of Tarot cards:


1. Consult a regular old book as your “oracle”

I got this idea from Keri Smith’s awesome book Living Out Loud.

Here’s how it works:

Step One: Think of a big, important question you want answered like “what is the meaning of my life?” or “how can I get more boys to notice me?”

Step Two: Now, randomly pick a book off your shelf. It could be The Bible or Having the Cowboy’s Baby. It doesn’t matter!

romance novel
This book may contain all the answers to your biggest dilemmas!

Step Three: Let the book fall open to any page and let your gaze come to rest on a random sentence. Read that sentence out loud. That is your answer!

Sometimes this exercise produces profound results. Other times it’s just good for a laugh. But either way, it’s worth a try.


2. Read your current environment as if it were a Tarot card

Step One: Think of a specific question or just ask “what do I need to know right now?”

Step Two: Take a good look around you. Your environment is like a Tarot card – rich with symbols and secret messages just waiting to be discovered!

What do you notice first? What stands out? What symbols are present? What color is most prevalent? What is going on?

What is on your left hand side? This is the side of intuition and creativity.

What is on your right? This is the side of action and power!

Step Three: If there is a message for you in your environment (and trust me, there is!) what would it be? What are your surroundings trying to tell you?

I did this exercise last Spring when I was walking along the beach. I asked “what do I need to focus on right now?” and the first thing I noticed was a family of geese, which were flying along. I watched them land in the water, floating gracefully and then diving under the surface. It suddenly struck me how amazing it is that geese get to traverse the world of sky, land and water. I was reminded of the three worlds in Shamanism – the upper, lower and middle earth. At the time I was reading several books on Shamanism and I took this as a clear message that I was to keep on reading this stuff. Also, not to be afraid to dive deep into the unconscious world of dreams and meditative journeys.


star starstarstar

3. Doodle!

You know how when your listening to someone on the phone you sometimes scribble little drawings without realizing it?

These scribbles can be a goldmine for illustrating what’s going on in your subconscious mind!

Something I drew while listening to someone boring

Try this!

You can do this exercise by yourself or with a friend.

Step One: Get out a piece of paper and some crayons (or a pencil if the idea of crayons gives you the creeps). Put on some nice music and sit at your table and just draw some stuff. Don’t think too hard, just let your mind wander. Don’t try to draw something “good”. Just doodle!

Step Two: If you’re doing this with a friend, you can trade drawings and then proceed to “read” each others pictures in the same way you would read a Tarot card.

If you are doing this alone, then you would just “read” your own picture.

Pay attention to what you are drawn to. What color stands out? What symbols speak to you? What is the general feel of the picture? Does it seem to be saying something specific?

Often, the pictures we draw illustrate what is going on for us in our inner and outer lives.

I first did this exercise years ago in a workshop called Exploring Your Psychic Self. The woman who I was partnered with swore she had no psychic abilities whatsoever, yet she was able to spell out my deepest wishes and desires just by looking at my drawing. A drawing that looked like it was drawn by a five year old on acid.





So there you have it! Three totally new ways to have fun with your intuition. No Tarot cards required!

In the comments below, tell me which exercise your going to try today :)…..


3 Ways to do a Reading Without Tarot cards Read More »