Page of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

Greetings! I returned home yesterday from my vacation in Alaska and after a full day of laundry, unpacking and doing the usual boring post-vacation stuff, I am excited to get back to my daily readings!

page of pentacles
Crystal Visions Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is the Page of Pentacles, one of my faves! This card has come to speak to the student within you – the lifelong learner that loves learning new skills and reading countless books.

Today is the day to fully immerse yourself in learning something for its own sake. Don’t learn to better yourself – learn because its fun, because it lets you be in the moment.

Take an inquisitive approach to problems and challenges today. Do your research before making a decision and don’t assume you know how another person feels.

When it comes to being creative, don’t let your inexperience hold you back. So what if your artwork or music sucks? Keep at it and you’ll get way better than you ever thought possible. Be willing to experiment today!

Today’s question: if you had no fear, what creative skill would you want to learn? Let me know in the comments below…

Page of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday Read More ยป