seven of cups

Stop Procrastinating! Seven of Cups (Monday)

7 of cups
Druidcraft Tarot

There is a difference between contemplation and procrastination. So are you processing things or are you stuck? The Seven of Cups Tarot card suggest you might be stuck!

So many choices, so many different paths you can take, but don’t spend forever in that glazed over, spaced out state of overwhelm and indecision. Take action!

You keep thinking that a great idea will smack you over the head eventually….but you might be waiting a while. The sooner to take some kind of action, the better. Then you will have more ideas, insights and solutions than you will know what to do with.

So what are you waiting for? Get crackin’!

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Seven of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Tuesday

shadowscapes tarot
Shadowscapes Tarot

The Seven of Cups is today’s Tarot card and it is all about balancing your ability to fantasize and daydream with your ability to take action and make it happen.

There is a battle between your sensible, lets-make-a-plan side and your oh look! a shiny object! side. These two aspects of yourself can work in harmony, assisting one another or they can be at odds.

Indulge your dreamy, creative side to get ideas and inspiration, but then center yourself in your mature, methodical self to get the job done. Keep a notebook for ideas that pop into your mind, but keep your attention on the task at hand.

If you overlook this, you run the risk of starting many projects and never finishing them!

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Seven of Cups ~ Tarot Card for Wednesday

seven of cups tarot card
Fenestra Tarot

The Seven of Cups is here today to show you how you can stop feeling so scattered and daydreamy and start celebrating your creativity and ideas in a way that feels more productive!

If you feel like there are just too many ideas, opportunities, people and activities floating around in you life, take a breath. You don’t have to do it all at once. Now is the time to document all this extra energy and creativity so that you have something to draw on when your mood and mindset changes.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, take out a piece of paper and write down everything you feel you must do and all the ideas that have been coming to you. If you can break these up into categories, all the better. Just because a great idea has popped into you head, it doesn’t mean you have to give it your full attention – write it down and come back to it later.

If you aren’t sure what project you should focus on right now, take a few minutes to go within and ask your inner guide/higher self for advice – you will be amazed at how this can bring you instant clarity!

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