tarot of mermaids

Tarot Card for Wednesday ~ 9 of Pentacles!

9 pentacles
Tarot of the Mermaids

Today’s Tarot card is the Nine of Pentacles and it is all about discovering the treasures you already have. It is tempting to think about what you want to manifest, but this cards suggests you actually don’t need all that stuff.

You have a treasure trove of inner riches that are still waiting to be explored! I am talking about your untapped psychic potential, your inner blissful states that can be achieved through meditation, and much more!

You don’t need tv, shopping malls and internet – exploring your consciousness and energy is fascinating enough, even though you may not have considered this. So consider it now!

Tonight, instead of plugging into something electronic, go within and see what’s there. Get quiet and then…watch and wait…see what happens!


Tarot Card for Wednesday ~ 9 of Pentacles! Read More »

Eight of Cups – Ditch the Mundane! (Monday)

8 cups tarot card
Tarot of Mermaids by Lo Scarabeo

Today you are searching for deeper meaning. The Eight of Cups shows that you are no longer content to dwell on the surface of things and shiny, superficial stuff holds no temptation for you anymore.

You may have an urge to leave something behind, reject an offer, or go off in search of a new adventure.

As you adjust to this new side of yourself, understand that you have raised your standards considerably! What may have satisfied you before now bores you to tears.

Mundane chit chat holds no interest for you – so instigate those deep conversations and don’t be afraid to be controversial. If having a safe, stable job once felt just right for you, be prepared for it to feel all wrong. This is good! You are evolving and as you take risks and let go of the old way of thinking, your life will feel richer and more alive than ever before!

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10 of Wands ~ You Are Not Your Responsibilities (Friday)

10 wands
Tarot of Mermaids

The Ten of Wands has come today to tell you to stop identifying so much with your responsibilities and “busy-ness” – they don’t make you who you are.

Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed, but fear that dropping a few responsibilities will make you a lesser person? Or that you won’t be as important if lots of people aren’t relying on you?

If so, you might be missing the point. This scantily clad mermaid has her back turned on the chest of coins, in favor of gazing off onto the horizon – probably wondering when her big break is coming.

The message here is that joy and satisfaction don’t come from lots of doing and striving, but from noticing what you already have and simply just being in the moment. Now if only I could take my own advice ;)…

If you feel this reading applies to you, feel free to share in the comments below.

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Tarot Card for Tuesday ~ The Tower

Tarot of Mermaids by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is The Tower and it shows that you are breaking away from the old way of doing things. This brings you sudden flashes of divine insight even though the experience of breaking away can feel scary and tumultuous at times.

The key to being comfortable amidst changes and shifts lies in your ability to refrain from grasping onto the old way of living and thinking. Sometimes you may want to cling to the old for a sense of familiarity and comfort, but you need your hands free and your mind open where you are going! Exciting times lie ahead for you!

This particular Tower card has such a warm, glowy feel, which indicates the importance of following the path that lights you up (not the path that is already lit up) – if that makes sense! Feel your energy and your zest for life gathering momentum inside you and let this inner light guide you in your choices and direction you take.

Check out my Tarot card spread for embracing change…

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