tarot workbook

What Will Unfold in 2013?

2012 is almost over – only a couple days left! – and then we will begin a whole new year. There is nothing better than that feeling of starting things fresh. I love to spend New Years day sorting out my closets and organizing things…but this year is different because I have my BRAND NEW 2013 TAROT WORKBOOK to journal into the new year with.

I am excited to announce that I have finished my 2013 Tarot Workbook just in time for the New Year! The process of creating it was really fun and I share how it turned out in this video…

Last night I spend some time journaling in my new workbook on the Messages from your Angels and Spirit Guides page. I pulled the Master of Flames from the Sirian Starseed Tarot (aka King of Wands) and I got some amazing insights.

I think I really underestimated the power of this workbook (not to toot my own horn or anything!) – but there was something about writing out my card interpretations that really stimulated my creativity. I ended up writing continuously for over an hour!

Click here for more info on my 2013 Tarot Workbook….

At the risk of sounding overly optimistic, I have a strong feeling that 2013 is going to be an amazing, transformational year for so many of us. I have been getting tidal waves of inspiration and ideas for this site and since I am bouncing off the walls with excitement about it, I thought I would share…

On January 1st (or 2nd depending on what I get up to on the 31st), I will be doing a 12 card New Years Forecast Reading video for my YouTube channel. I will also post it here on my blog…can’t wait to see what cards will come up!

In the next couple of weeks, I will be posting a video and article about how to read the Court Cards – this seems to be an area that so many readers get stuck on. I also plan on making this a Topic for a course in the very near future.

My first online Tarot course will be coming out sometime in the new year, possibly as early as February. I am not sure what it will be called exactly, but it will focus on learning how to interpret the “negative” Tarot cards in an empowering way. It will also focus on connecting with your intuition and heart center while reading the cards.

I will be posting all updates here on my blog and Facebook page, so stay tuned! 🙂

If you have any specific ideas about what you would like to see on my site this year or topics for Tarot courses, just let me know in the comments section of this post, or you can take my Tarot survey, if you haven’t already.

And of course, I look forward to getting back to my daily Tarot readings on Jan 2nd!



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Sneek Peek at What I’ve Been up to…

I recently got Leonie Dawson’s 2013 Create Your Incredible Year Workbook & Calendar. I am pretty new to the whole workbook thing, but right away I was having a blast with it. I was only a few pages into the workbook when I got inspired to create my own Tarot/Oracle card workbook for 2013. I share some of the pages I have created in the video below:

I have been making my own Tarot workbook for almost two weeks now and so far I have created many, many pages! Some of the pages are pretty hideous and probably won’t be included in my final copy, but overall I am really happy with how its turning out. And I had forgotten how much I love to just draw for hours!

Lately I have been getting a lot of guidance (through my meditations) to bring more fun and joy into my work with Tarot. This caught me off guard because I don’t really think of myself as a “fun” kind of person, but as soon as I started aligning with that energy, I began to get flooded with ideas for Tarot related articles, Tarot spreads, e-books, courses, guided meditations, and more. So I have decided to let joy, creativity and fun guide me in everything I create from now on….

A lady commenting on the above video mentioned “bringing out the play in Tarot” and I thought “YES! that is exactly what I want to do.”

And I think that is why my experience with Leonie Dawson’s workbook has been so inspiring for me – because it makes goal setting fun. After working with her workbook for a couple weeks I feel so incredibly excited and inspired about 2013, which is a stark contrast to how I felt at this time last year (not excited at all – and kind of dreading 2012). So I really wish I had known about this workbook last year!

*disclaimer: I am an affiliate for Leonie’s workbook, but I am promoting it simply because I love working with it and think its an awesome product! Her workbook also comes with a lovely calendar, which I haven’t printed out just yet.

So my goal is to create a similar product – a 2013 workbook/journal – that incorporates the use of Tarot and Oracle cards. So I would love to hear your thoughts on workbooks – have you used them in the past? Have you found them helpful? What do you like most about them?





Sneek Peek at What I’ve Been up to… Read More »