two of wands tarot card

What your closet says about you…

veronica 2

Veronica is my evil Tarot twin and she’s here to deliver her special brand of Tarot wisdom! When she isn’t telling everyone what to do, Veronica spends her days drinking raspberry daiquiris and rolling around naked on a pile of feather boas. I know, totally the kind of chick you want to take advice from, right?

shadowscapes tarot
Shadowscapes Tarot

Two of Wands is all about contemplation. Want something to contemplate? Your closet.

That’s right. Your closet is a mirror of your inner psyche. So what’s in it?

If your like me, your closet’s filled with kinky boots, wigs, feathered black angel wings, wild costumes, silk veils, coin bras and such.

Or if your a mentally unwell individual, perhaps you have brown sweaters, orthopedic shoes and wool scarves in your closet. Or horror of horrors…..polyester dress pants!

Is your closet messy and cheap like Old Navy just vomit-burped into your wardrobe? Or is it arranged by color, fabric and season?

Your closet should look like you want to be. Chew on that! Do you want to be organized and bland? Start sorting and categorizing, then! Or do you want to be exciting, sexy and guilt-free like me, Veronica? Then replace those polite pastel neck scarfs with some red feather boas and you’re all set!

What your closet says about you… Read More »

Two of Flames ~ Tarot Card for Monday

two of flames
Sirian Starseed Tarot by Patricia Cori and Alyssa Bartha

Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Flames from the Sirian Starseed Tarot. The message is clear – it is time for you to contemplate your next big move!

Now is the time for you to gaze into the not-to-distant  future and envision the life you would like to have. Begin planning out the steps you can do now in order to steer yourself in the direction you want to go in.

The Two of Flames is all about soul searching, so take the time to rest, contemplate and dream. Once you are clear on what you truly want (and not what you think you should want or what other people in your life think you should want), then you are free to take inspired action!

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Time to Take Charge with the Two of Wands Tarot Card (Monday)

two of wands tarot card
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Two of Wands Tarot Card asks you this: where do you want to go now? What do you want to do with yourself?

You have reached a point of pause in your life, a contemplative standstill. Its up to you what the next steps will be!

You possess much experience, strength, insight and understanding (symbolized by the world that this guy is holding), but don’t turn away from that and try to tell yourself you don’t know what your doing. Because you do!

Don’t let others make the big decisions for you right now and notice if you are telling yourself “oh, I’ll just do nothing and see what happens.”

This is your time to take charge of your life and make your own plans, so hesitate only to contemplate your next move and then rock on with life.

Time to Take Charge with the Two of Wands Tarot Card (Monday) Read More »

Possibilities ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Thursday!

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot 

Possibilities abound when you get a bird’s eye view of your life! Today’s Tarot card is the Two of Wands (or 2 of Fire in the Osho Zen Tarot), and it represents taking a moment to assess your life and where you are going.

If you are able to step back and see the big picture and all the themes of your life, you will have an easier time knowing which direction to take from here. But if you are still stuck in the drama of everyday life, knowing what to do and where to go can be a struggle.

Once you are able to “rise above” any situation, withdrawing your emotional ties, you will be able to see the pros and cons without bias. The Two of Wands Tarot card suggest that you look at your life with this big picture perspective so you have a good idea of where you are going and where you would like to invest your energy next!

Possibilities ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Thursday! Read More »